
Another quote collection for the Unix fortune command

Primary LanguageHTML


A repository to prevent good quotes from falling through the cracks.

Add these quotes to your fortune

First download this repo and install fortune,

  • Debian: apt-get install fortune-mod
  • Fedora: yum install fortune-mode
  • Gentoo: emerge fortune-mod
  • OSX w/ MacPorts: port install fortune

There is a simple make file in this repo, so you can just run make and then fortune crackquotes in this directory and a fortune will appear.

After you add or change a fortune, run make again.


  • These fortunes were intended to be piped into Thunderbird or another application with decent word-wrapping functionality. As such, reading them on the command line or another place that lacks good word-wrap support may be uncomfortable.
  • Many of these quotes came from the internet, as such, there is no guarantee that they are appropriate for children or people uncomfortable with vulgar language.

Adding Quotes

Fork this quote repository. Try to keep each commit to one or two quotes. If we find your quote funny we may pull it upstream.