
An asynchronous PHP memcached client base on swoole

Primary LanguageC


An asynchronous PHP memcached client base on swoole


git clone git@github.com:icday/swoole-src.git
cd swoole-src
# You may need to make swoole-memcached up todate
# cd swoole-memcached; git pull; cd ..
./configure --enable-async-memcached
make && make install



Using Swoole\\Memcached instead of swoole_memcached if swoole.use_namespace=On is set in php.ini.


callable is a data type that can be called, it could be String, Array or Closure.

The prototypes of most callback variables are function($err, $result). When error occurs, $err will be set to a non-empty value that describes error info. You should check the $err before you process the $result in callback function.

  • __construct(string $host, int $port)

  • connect(callable $callback)

  • close() close the connection.

  • get(string $key, string $key2, ..., callable $callback) get method can retrieve multiple values from server, $result will be a associative array. Arguments count must be more than 1, and the last argument must be callback.

  • set(string $key, string $value, int expire, callable $callback) The prototype of set is the same as add and replace. The $result of callback is a bool variable which means whether this operation effected the value of $key.

    • set set the value of key anyway.

    • add set the value of key if the key is not exists.

    • replace set the value of key if the key is exists.

  • delete(string $key, callable $callback) $result is a bool variable which means whether the deleting operation is successed.

  • incr(string $key, int $num, callable $callback) $num should be positive. result is the value after operation.

  • decr(string $key, int $num, callable $callback) $num should be positive. result is the value after operation.


$memcached = new swoole_memcached('', 11211);
$memcached->connect(function() use ($memcached) {
    echo "memcached is connected\n";

    $memcached->add('key1', 'value1', 0, function($err, $result) {
        if ($err) {
            echo "error:" . $err;
        if ($result) {
            echo "add key1 success\n";
        } else {
            echo "add key1 failure. key1 is already exists.\n";

    $memcached->get('key2', 'key3', function($err, $result) {
        if ($err) {
            // error handle
        if (!isset($result['key2'])) {
            echo "key2 is unset\n";
        } else {
            echo "value of key2 is:" . $result['key2'] . "\n";

        if (!isset($result['key3'])) {
            echo "key3 is not exists.\n";
        } else {
            echo "value of key3 is:" . $result['key3'] . "\n";

Scope and disconnect

To close the connection, you can call the close method.

Connection will close when close method be called, or the reference count of instance turn to 0 and there is not any uncallback asynchronous operation. In other word, it is never be destoryed before all asynchronous operation callback.

function testFunc() {
    $memcached = new swoole_memcached('', 11211);
    $memcached->connect(function() use ($memcached) {
        echo "memcached is connected\n";

        $memcached->add('key1', 'value1', 0, function($err, $result) {
            if ($err) {
                echo "error:" . $err;
            if ($result) {
                echo "add key1 success\n";
            } else {
                echo "add key1 failure. key1 is already exists.\n";

            // connection will be closed after this function.