
Form Plugin for Xamarin and Windows

MIT LicenseMIT

Form Plugin

Change the keyboard OK button accross platform from your shared project by wrapping the controls with a <Form> like in HTML

Build Status: comming soon NuGets

Name Info
Form.Plugin coming soon
MonkeyCache - Dev coming soon

Platform Support

Form Plugin is a .NET Standard 2.0 library, but has some platform specific tweaks for properly handling the keyboard changes in a <Form>.

Platform Version
Xamarin.iOS iOS 8+
Xamarin.Mac - Not Supported -
Xamarin.Android API 14+
Windows 10 UWP 10.0.16299+
.NET Core 2.0+
ASP.NET Core 2.0+
.NET 4.6.1+

What is Form Plugin?

The goal of Form Plugin is to enable developers to easily change the keyboard Done button from a shared project so you don't have to write platform specific code to create beautiful CRUD forms.

For an instance, you want to make a login form, the XAML code will look something like this:

<Form DoneCommand='{Binding DoneCommand}'>
    <Entry Form.Keyboard='Next' />
    <Entry Form.Keyboard='Done' />
    <Button Text="Login" Command='{Binding DoneCommand}' />


Not required, but if the linker somehow strips the code, you can call Plugin.Form.Init() on any platform.