- 1
Feature: 希望可以支持订阅某个model的state变化的能力
#156 opened by lxzy-yun - 1
Feature: 如何获取计算属性
#153 opened by Cacivy - 3
Bug: ModelEffects 或 createModel 类型定义错误
#154 opened by LongchongWang - 1
- 0
- 8
如何实现调用 effects 失败后弹一个 toast
#138 opened by imsobear - 1
RFC: effects 中的 dispatch 和 rootState 类型提示支持
#143 opened by hzyhbk - 0
react-router v6的ssr列子中引入icestore报错
#145 opened by QQUINA - 8
[WIP]RFC: 2.0
#128 opened by alvinhui - 2
Bug: 在 umi 中使用 icestore
#139 opened by qqqdu - 6
#137 opened by sky0014 - 1
Feature: support custom selector
#118 opened by Zaynex - 1
Bug: 不能直接在 react 17 上通过 npm 安装
#129 opened by bob-chen - 1
- 4
定义store时, 有无办法定义typescript类型?
#10 opened by g770728y - 0
Feature: 提供 1.x.0 到 1.3.x 的升级工具
#99 opened by alvinhui - 4
dispatch typings
#112 opened by avalanche1 - 0
Bug: 在IE11下使用 Immer 报错
#119 opened by luhc228 - 2
Classic redux dispatch?
#114 opened by avalanche1 - 1
Bug: State被Freeze后无法进行更新
#94 opened by luhc228 - 2
Bug: TS reports 2 args needed instead of 1 when invoking a reducer from effect
#115 opened by avalanche1 - 1
- 1
请问下为什么新版本废弃了 constate 那一套架构,换成了 rematch 这一套方案
#101 opened by chnliquan - 0
Bug: Todos example is broken
#109 opened by avalanche1 - 1
Bug: effects 为空对象时报错
#100 opened by alvinhui - 1
Bug: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'loading' of object '#<Object>'
#107 opened by chenbin92 - 1
定义 Model 类型提示问题
#88 opened by chenbin92 - 0
[RFC] 获取最新状态
#76 opened by alvinhui - 0
[RFC] 更好的 effects 支持
#77 opened by alvinhui - 3
Release 1.2.0
#68 opened by alvinhui - 1
Bug: 类型推导问题
#71 opened by imsobear - 1
更新 issue 模板
#67 opened by imsobear - 4
同时执行多个同步 Action 会出现前一个 action 的操作被覆盖问题
#66 opened by imsobear - 5
在new Icestore() 出现错误,
#62 opened by xyy7260 - 9
子组件会多 render 一次的问题
#35 opened by ti-tian - 1
#48 opened by sunface - 1
- 2
#32 opened by 1120340041 - 2
react version error
#28 opened by phobal - 3
#24 opened by baicoding - 2
- 0
#11 opened by yattin - 1
#9 opened by baicoding