
Python web bot that uses Selenium to view web pages and mimic a human reader. This bot will route its traffic through Tor.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python web bot that uses Selenium to view web pages and mimic a human reader. This bot will route its traffic through Tor.


  • Ensure geckodriver is in your path
  • GeckoDriver can be installed from this link below. Pick the version of GeckoDriver based on the system being utilized.
  • https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases
  • export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/downloaded/geckodriver
git clone https://github.com/ice-wzl/Tor-Bot.git
cd Tor-Bot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


python3 tor-bot-1.2.py -h                                                                                      
usage: tor-bot-1.2.py [-h] [-i ITERATIONS] [-u URL] [-d]
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i ITERATIONS, --iterations ITERATIONS
                        How many times should the view action be looped
  -u URL, --url URL     The url to go out and pretend to read
  -d, --detatched       Should the browser run in headless mode {-d True, -d False}


  • Ensure Tor is installed and running
  • Run the script providing it the link -u, number of times to run -i and if it should be run headless or not -d means headless


  • Upon first run script will create a iterations.log file which will track start and stop times
  • It looks like this
Started at 05/21/2023 22:16:36 on URL https://example.com/page/i/viewed
Stopped at 05/21/2023 22:19:56 on URL https://example.com/page/i/viewed
  • geckodriver.log will also be created, this is a log file created and controlled by the geckodriver not this script. If you have issues with the script, checking this log file first is a decent place to start.