
Static Badge

This is a Reminder Bot for your Lemmy server. By simply mentioning the bot in a comment along with a desired time frame, users can set reminders and receive notifications once the specified timer expires.



@YourBot@example.com TIME OPTION "MESSAGE"

TIME, MESSAGE OPTION and MENTION can come in any order.

  • TIME is required
  • MESSAGE is optional


years year, yr, y
days day, d
hours hour, h
minutes minute, min, m
seconds second, sec, s

Example: @remindme@lemmy.icyserver.eu 4years 2d 3 mins and 2 seconds "Your Reminder"


iso this will retrun the date and time in iso formation (YYYY-MM-DD at HH:MM:SS)


Run the docker-compose file with following Environment variables

USERNAME username of bot account
PASSWORD password of bot account
HOST Lemmy instance domain
DATABASE_URL postgres database url
UPDATE_INTERVAL By default, the bot scans for new mentions with a waiting time of 30 seconds. Reducing this interval can enhance response time, but it will also increase the load on the system