
Drupal tasks seperated in each folders

Primary LanguagePHP

Login credentials


username: admin, password: ******

1) Custom block plugin

Go to any article content and move to the bottom of the page (eg: https://dev-d10-mmukhtar-tasks.pantheonsite.io/node/1). You can see the stock market data fetched via an external API to the block. The Stock Market Data block is configured to the content bottom region.

2) Custom Entity Types

Go to content and click on the Custom entity types tab or via https://dev-d10-mmukhtar-tasks.pantheonsite.io/custom-entity-types/add and add the custom entity.

We can add / edit / delete Custom entities from there. We can edit the existing custom entities from: https://dev-d10-mmukhtar-tasks.pantheonsite.io/admin/content/custom-entity-types

3) Custom theme registration

Install the custom_theme_registration theme.

Take https://dev-d10-mmukhtar-tasks.pantheonsite.io/user/register.

the custom template used is custom_theme_registration/templates/form/form--user-register-form.html.twig

if you are logged in, logout from site. from the login page, take create new account tab and you will see a the registration page.

4) Weather forcast

Weather forecast uses open weather API to call the webservice to get the forecast data of a city.

Go to Admin > Configuration > User interface > Set Forecast configuration to set the configuration (https://dev-d10-mmukhtar-tasks.pantheonsite.io/admin/config/system/weather-forecast) and configure the API key and city name.

Take Admin > Configuration > User interface > Show forecast to see the forcast of the selcted city.

5) Multi step form

Go to Admin > Configuration > User interface > Multi step form (https://dev-d10-mmukhtar-tasks.pantheonsite.io/multistep-form/demo) and navigate through each steps.

6) Migrating hierarchial taxonomy

After enabling the pre requisite modules (migrate_plus, migrate_tools, migrate_source_csv) , Go to https://d10-mmukhtar-tasks.ddev.site/admin/structure/migrate and run the migrations

The migration with source type CSV will migrate from a csv source. for this you have to create a vocabulary named categories.

7) Advaned View

After enabling the advanced_view module and go to the https://dev-d10-mmukhtar-tasks.pantheonsite.io/views-aggregation-advanced to see the advanced view.

This view has a dependency on the following modules: statistics, datetime_range and date_filter. So these modules need to be enabled before enabling the view.

8) Custom Restful service

9) Migrating user data

Individual README files added in each modules for detailed documentation.