
Insurance custom entity and management with view filters

Primary LanguagePHP

Insurance Claims Custom Entity- adding and listing and Mangaged by view and filters

Implementation Details

  • Created content type (insurance_claims) and defined fields.
  • Created Route and Tabs to the Submit Claims and View Claims Tabs.
  • Created form and saved the data to the content type.
  • Created a view with a limit of 5 with pagination and added the filters.
  • To show the claim number as an autocomplete exposed filter, alter the field via hook_form_views_exposed_form_alter.
  • To show the patient name as a dropdown exposed filter, altered the field via hook_form_views_exposed_form_alter.
  • To show the Start and End date filter, drupal/date_filter module is used.
  • To export the data via xls, views_data_export and xls_views_data_export modules used.
  • To save the data to JSON and using it, we can make use of views_data_export. Add a data export in JSON format that will expose a URL through which we can collect the JSON data. Additionally we can save the data in a json file (included in the code) and specify the file to a view using a contrib module . for eg: views_json_source (https://www.drupal.org/project/views_json_source)


Submit Claim

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Claim number autocomplete

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Patient Name dropdown

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Pagination and xls export

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