
Typescript with nodejs and sequelize ORM

Primary LanguageJavaScript

❯ Getting Started

Step 1: Set up the Development Environment

You need to set up your development environment before you can do anything.

Install Node.js and NPM

Install a MySQL database.

If you work with a mac, we recommend to use homebrew for the installation.

Step 2: Install dependencies

Go to the project dir and run the following script.

npm install

This will install all the dependencies needs for the project

Step 3: Install and configure typescript

npm i -g typescript

This will install typescript globally

tsc --init

This will will create a typescript config file tsconfig.json

Step 4: Install and configure sequelize-cli

npm i -g sequelize-cli

This will install sequelize-cli globally

sequelize init

This will create a config.json file inside the config folder.

We can additionally specify in which folder we have to create the models, migrations and seeds in the .sequelizerc file.

Creating a model

  • Run npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name User --attributes firstName:string

The above command will create a User model with the firstname attribute(field in the table)

Database Migration

  • Run npx sequelize-cli db:migrate to run all migrations.

Database Seeding

  • Run npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all to seed your seeds into the database.

Modifying the npm scripts

  • modify the script part in the package.json as follows:
    "start": "node dist/app.js",
    "dev": "nodemon src/app.ts",
    "build": "tsc -p ."

When run the build command, typscript will create the build in the dist folder. Then if we run the start command it will take the compiled js from the dist folder. If we just need to the application in dev mode then it will take the server file (app.ts) and run the application on a port

Running in dev mode

  • Run npm run dev to start nodemon with ts-node, to serve the app.
  • The server address will be displayed to you as

Building the project and run it

  • Run npm run build to generated all JavaScript files from the TypeScript sources (There is also a vscode task for this called build).
  • To start the builded app located in dist use npm start.

Sample .env file.


Replace with the db credentials and place in the root


As the db models and migrations created by the sequlize cli is based on ES5, the code on that part wont be in typescript. Instead it will follow the ES5 structure.