- afedynitchInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica
- alchzh@redballoonsecurity
- aleporcGent (Belgium)
- austinschneiderLos Alamos National Laboratory
- baro42
- blinkdogMadison, WI
- briedel
- claudiokMichigan State University
- cnweaver
- derekfoxPenn State Astronomy & Astrophysics
- dgloUnited States
- dguevel
- eclipsia
- HansN87Michigan State University (MSU)
- jessimicBoston, MA
- jhcloos
- jmsantander
- JosephssUniversity of South Dakota
- jybook
- keipertkNVIDIA
- kmoschkau
- kotoyo
- martwoTU-Munich for @icecube and @pone-software
- mjlarsonUniversity of Maryland
- mlincettDESY Zeuthen
- nega0
- nrad
- ruian1Harvard University
- sboeser
- spenceraxaniUniversity of Delaware
- stefcoColumbia University Physics Department
- thejevansDenver, CO
- thomasphysU of A
- tianluyuanUW Madison
- williamluszczakColumbus, OH
- zemrudeUniversité Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)