How to run Solution

I) Certificates


You will need to install test certificates. Download the certificates from and follow the instructions.

II) Packages

Open Package Manager Console, or Right-click on Solution and choose 'Manage Nuget Packages for Solution ...' Choose Restore packages.

III) Database

Security.IdentityManagementTool uses Identity to Create users and roles. So, you will need an instance of the AspNetIdentity in your Sql Server. I am using EntityFramework, so all you need to do is the following:


If you get "'Update-Database' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet", in Package Management Console, then close Visual Studio and try again. To confirm EntityFramework is installed it will be listed in Package Manager when you run this command:


IV) Run Projects

Next, you need to have all the projects running. To do this, right click on Solution to access Properties. Next, on the Property Pages, select Multiple Start up projects and set Action to Start for Security.AuthenticationServer, Security.IdentityManagementTool and Security.WebAPI.

Assuming you run solution successfuly,The view 'CreateAsync' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:

The Endpoint that renders the Users view, has been decorated with the Authorize attribute. That means, if you haven’t logged in yet, the IdentityServer will ask you to authenticate by redirecting you to the IdentityServer’s login page as shown below.

You will see that you are redirected to another url. That is the IdentityServerss address. The application requests OAuth 2.0 authorization for the OpenID Connect scopes (openId, profile etc) by redirecting the user to an identity provider.