AshlarCode is a modern code editor built with the Flutter API. It runs on native code and aims to be fast, smooth, and extensible.
Syntax highlighting using TextMate language grammars
Themes support TextMate theme formats
Unlimited undo
Multi-cursor editing
Search with plaintext, or regular expressions
Search and Replace
Sidebar file explorer with file type icons
Multiple opened documents with tabbed views
Supports virtual and physical keyboards
Opens very large files
Basic Git support for clone, pull, merge, checkout, commit, push with SSH keys authentication.
AshlarCode is released as a paid mobile app to support its development. Desktop versions will be available as free downloads. Early mobile versions will also released as free downloads.
Earlier versions of AshlarCode and/or its variants are opensourced.
Send bugs or feature request though the github page.
- Files with more than 10000 lines will disable word wrapping.
- Tabs are currently automatically converted to space characters.
- Utf8 characters are only partially supported.
- Git: Only authentication via SSH key is supported. Username + Password currently is not supported by and by AshlarCode.
- Git: Conflicts will have to be resolved manually or by other more advanced git client apps.