About Me

Hi I’m Ryan, a software engineer, designer and photographer. I have a long history with being involved with coding, starting when I was about 11 yrs old. A friend introduced me to QBasic and the help docs so with nothing but time on my hands I started making my own games and apps. From there I moved on to Visual Basic 3.0 and was able to make a couple of apps for family members.

I switched careers from a Design oriented role in Jan 2020 and have loved my time in code. Over the past year I've been working for a small early stage startup where I've been able to rapidly grow and expand my knowledge. I love working with React, Typescript and/or Javascript, Node.js, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails. I'm passionate about photography and design and truly believe that learning never stops.

Deployed Projects

  • Joberino - A job listing site that only shows listings from the past 7 days
  • Wax Chromatics - A vinyl record collection site built in React w/a Rails API backend
  • Text-Ray - A Javascript Spelling Bee game using a Rails API backend
  • GTA Micro-manager - A small timer app to keep track of when to sell 'product' in GTA V: Online
  • Awesome-Reads - A Ruby on Rails CRUD app that lets you write reviews on books


Top Langs

Weekly Stats

TypeScript   15 hrs 19 mins  █████████████████████░░░░   83.49 % 
Ruby         1 hr 7 mins     █▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   06.13 % 
Markdown     34 mins         â–“â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘   03.16 % 
Bash         33 mins         â–“â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘   03.01 % 
YAML         27 mins         â–“â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘   02.49 %