=========================================================== THIS FILE IS OBSOLETE , PLEASE CHECK THE REPORT APENDIX FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION =========================================================== Check List: 1. Tomcat 6.0 ( or newer ) 2. Postgres SQL 8.4 3. Java JRE 6.0 4. Java JDK 1.6 5. Libraries .Check "./libraries/libraries.txt" for the jar files needed . They can be found in the school netwrok but I don't exactly know where. ( for LG lab they are marked with by network drive "J" ) The library files can also be found in the application's subfolder "./EchoGameWebApp/build/web/WEB-INF/lib" but have to be copied to a seperate location before adding them to the project. 6. IDE USED: Netbeans 6.0 but you can use any other IDE How to use 1. Configuring the webapplication: Open "./EchoGameWebApp/src/java/applicationContext.xml". Lines : 22 <property name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/EchoGame"/> Set the location of your database here 23 <property name="username" value="postgres"/> Set username for accesing database here 24 <property name="password" ref="password" /> Will open a dialog window and ask for database password If you want to stop the application from nagging you for a database password on each run you can do the folowing : 1.1. Comment out or delete line 17 <bean id="password" class="Main factory-method="getPassword" /> An the replace current line 24 from <property name="password" ref="password" /> TO <property name="password" value="<<put_password_here>>" /> 2. Creating the DataBase After oppening the project in netbeans or favorite IDE run the "Main.java" file. Click "yes" to create the database. Click "no" to delete the database. NOTE: when updates to the application are made you'll have to delete the old database ( by running Main.java of the old application) and create the new database ( by running Main.java in the new application) 3. Run the application You are ready to go. You can run the webapplication from Netbeans now. I will add instructions on how to deploy the application to tomcat directly without the need of an IDE.