Slack Emoji Migrate


This Docker app automates the process of migrating custom emoji from Slack to Mattermost.

Setup & Configuration

1. Get a Slack API Token

  1. From your Workspace, go to Settings & Administration > Manage Apps
  2. Click Build in the top right
  3. Click Create New App > From Scratch
  4. Name the app and grant it access to a workspace
  5. Click "Permissions" and it takes you to "Scopes"
  6. Under Bot Token Scopes, click Add an OAuth Scope
  7. Select the emoji:read scope
  8. Scroll to the top and click "Install into Workspace"
  9. Click "Allow"
  10. Copy the Bot User OAuth Token

2. Generate a Mattermost Auth Token

Either create a bot account with admin permissions, or create a personal access token. Make sure that Custom Emoji are enabled in the System Console and that the account has permission to create custom emoji

3. Set Environment Variables

Method 1: A .env File

Create a file in this directory with these contents:

MATTERMOST_URL=<Your Mattermost URL>
MATTERMOST_TOKEN=<Your Mattermost Authentication Token>

Replace the values

Method 2: Modify the docker-compose file

Edit the docker-compose.yml file replace the environment variables with your settings, e.g.

version: "3.7"

    build: .
      - ./output:/usr/src/app/output
      - SLACK_API_TOKEN=xoxb-abc1234.....
      - MATTERMOST_TOKEN=ncdfitoh9inixpbycp81f1zkia
      - SLACK_TIMEOUT=360

4. Run the script

docker-compose up

4. Clean Up

Once the script has been run successfully, delete the image with this command:

docker image rm slack-emoji-migrate_slack-emoji-migrate