
Simple C# app that scans URLs and emails if there are issues connecting to the sites. The lists of sites are contained in the file sites.txt

App.config settings:


SMTP server to send emails, the from and to email addresses to use

<add key="SMTPServer" value=""/>
<add key="EmailTo" value=""/>
<add key="EmailFrom" value=""/>

Output directory to write log files

<add key="OutputDirectory" value="output"/>

Time how often to poll each url

<add key="WaitTime" value="60000"/>

How long a timeout on a site is before reporting an error

<add key="TimeoutSeconds" value="5"/>    

Time periods to skip monitoring

<add key="SkipTimes" value="Sunday-00:00-06:00|Saturday-00:00-06:00|Monday-00:00-03:00|Tuesday-00:00-03:00|Wednesday-00:00-03:00|Thursday-00:00-03:00|Friday-00:00-03:00"/>