FormIO docker

Build a simple docker iamge for the API-Server and web-application


The official docker-image (or image-run-process) is a little bit weird in my opinion, so i put that together. It currently pulls the latest release of formio and formio-web-app and builds the container. I also added a small fix for auto-detecting the application-url. Plus: application is not runnind as root.

How to build

make docker_build docker_tag docker_push

Configure build

You can pass several parameters to the build process

  • DOCKER_CMD = the docker command, default is docker
  • DOCKER_ORG = will prefix the image, default is witcom
  • DOCKER_REPO = will prefix the image in the docker_tag target
  • DOCKER_IMAGE = name of the docker-image, default is formio-server

Skip the target you don't want, e.g. docker_tag & docker_push

How to run

It uses the same ENV-Variables like the official

Variable Description
NODE_CONFIG The configuration which is usually provided as file, can pe passed as JSON-String. Example NODE_CONFIG='{"mongo": "mongodb://mongo:27017/formio"}'
ROOT_EMAIL eMail-Adress for "root"-admin user
ROOT_PASSWORD Password for "root"-admin user
DEBUG Debug level, e.g. formio:*. Default is empty
 docker run -p 3001:3001 \ 
 -e NODE_CONFIG='{"mongo": "mongodb://my-mongo-instance:27017/formio"}' \
 -e \ 
 -e ROOT_PASSWORD=changeit \ 
 -e DEBUG=formio:* \ 