Testing a simple IaC pipeline with Azure DevOps and Terraform.


  1. First things first, you need to have an azure subscription to start things off.

  2. Configure a resource group and a storage container to keep the Terraform state remotely.

using the Azure CLI on powershell...

    # login to azure with the cli
    az login 

    #setup variables for convinience.. note that the storage account name has to be globally unique.


    # create a resource group for the iac infrastructure
    az group create --location $location --resource-group $infraRgGroup

    # create a storage account
    az storage account create ` 
    --name $storageAccountName `
    --resource-group $infraRgGroup `
    --location $location `
    --kind StorageV2 `
    --sku Standard_LRS `
    --encryption-services blob

    # creating the container to hold the Terraform state
     az storage container create --name $containerName --account-name $StorageAccountName

    # create a vault to store the access key.
    az keyvault create --name $vaultName  --location $location --resource-group $infraRgGroup

    # get the access key, assign it into the ARM_ACCESS_KEY enviromental variable to run the terraform locally
     $AccessKey=$(az storage account keys  list --resource-group $infraRgGroup --account-name $StorageAccountName -o tsv --query "[0].value")

    # save the access key in key vault. This is used in automation (CI\CD pipelines)

    az keyvault secret set --name "terraform-backend-key" --vault-name $vaultName --value $AccessKey

  1. intialise and apply Terraform
    terraform init

    terraform plan

    terraform apply

The "rgIaCDemo" resource group should be created.