
目前支持到了12 ,目前已经在oppo 12 和鸿蒙系统上测试过,请下载安卓测试final swfplayer

      其实不是什么新技术,因为android4.1之后的android 浏览器内核版本发生了变化导致 Adobe 的Flash插件无法正常运行,大家的Flash无法正常播放。而网络上所能搜索到的方法全是WebView的方式,从而浪费了很多开发的搜索测试的时间。所以本人为了大家少走弯路让进入的每一个读者深入了解flash是如何播放,如何在android上面的各个版本中体验。
     FLASH swf格式 单从开发语言来说分为 AS2 与 AS 3.而这2个开发flash语言重Adobe的架构上来讲是天壤之别的,所以导致flash 2.0 与flash 3.0 在android 运行体验是完全不一样的 。
  对于AS3.0 FLASH
 我们都知道adobe 现在发布的 Air  能够让android 3.0系统支持 as3.0 开发的f
 lash 有很好的体验. 打开网盘

https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QyR1TUiyk8KbCNhjm17o5w?pwd=c75y 下载 as3-swf-player.apk 然后拷贝自己flash文件进入sd卡。打开apk然后找到flash点击运行 看效果。 出现问题请联络QQ:773179801 对于AS2.0 FLASH但是对于As 2.0 adobe在android 4.1之后彻底被抛弃了。 上面这个插件很熟悉,在android 4.1 前对于想用webview 加载flash 是一个不错的 方式。可现在不行了。 插件根本不管用。这个时候你真的没有别的办法,或者你发现UC浏览器通过安装插件可以运行flash为什么我的webview安装插件却不可以呢。但是UC浏览器不可能让你使用他们的技术吧。所以我这边也纠结了几个月最后发现还是自己搞一个不然项目没办法运作。现在as2的flash太多了。网络上随便下载一个flash都是这个技术。不能运行这个as2flash真是缺憾,不能因为adobe放弃as2我也跟着放弃。 经过超过2年开发,as2的flash播放器 我终于有了方法,现在共享这个技术以免大家走弯路。 本人承若软件授权后可以任何项目,但不免费提供,现在这么忙,给你代码又是技术支持啥的所以 我觉得应该走精品路线额。虽然flash技术已经非常非常out了。。。 请使用softboy的as2.0 方案。本人经过大量开发将插件移植过来。可以支持android 4.2+ 打开网盘 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QyR1TUiyk8KbCNhjm17o5w?pwd=c75y 不需要安装插件。因为本人经过移植已经将flash打包在了 FlashPlayer里面了 本人AS2.0 方案同样支持触摸和按键哦,载入熟读非常好,运行性能好,已经用于多个项目。


In fact, is not a new technology, because the Android android4.1 browser after the kernel version of the Adobe Flash plug-in can not be normal operation, we can not play the normal Flash. And the method that can search on the network is all the way of WebView, and waste a lot of time of developing the search test. So I for everyone to take less detours to get into the depth of each reader to understand how flash is played, how to experience the various versions of the Android above. FLASH swf format from the development language is divided into AS2 and AS 3 and the 2 Flash language development Adobe architecture perspective is different, resulting in flash 2 and flash 3 in the Android operation experience is completely different. For FLASH AS3.0 We all know that adobe is now released by the Air to allow the Android 3 system to support the development of flash AS3.0 has a very good experience. Open SkyDrive https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QyR1TUiyk8KbCNhjm17o5w?pwd=c75y Download the as3-swf-player.apk and then copy the flash file into the SD card. Open the APK and then find the flash click Run to see the effect. Please contact QQ:773179801 For FLASH AS2.0 But for As 2 Adobe After Android 4.1 was completely abandoned. Above this plugin is very familiar with, in the Android 4.1 before the WebView to load flash is a good way to. But now I can't do it. Plugin doesn't work at all. This time you really have no other way, or you find UC browser through the installation of plug-ins can run flash why my WebView installation is not it. But UC browsers can't let you use their technology. So I also tangled here for a few months and finally found that they do not have a way to engage in the operation of the project. Now flash as2 too much. It's a technology that can easily download a flash on the web. Can not run this as2flash is really a pity, not because Adobe give up as2 I also followed to give up. After more than 2 years of development, flash as2 player I finally have the method, and now share this technology so as not to take a roundabout way. I am authorized by the software can be any project, but not free of charge, and now so busy, to give you the code is a technical support and what I think it should take the amount of fine line. Although flash technology has been very very out... Please use the as2.0 softboy program. I have been a lot of development will plug the plug. Can support 4.2+ Android Open SkyDrive https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QyR1TUiyk8KbCNhjm17o5w?pwd=c75y Android 4.4 and below to download Android IFlashPlayer_20160414.APK IFlashPlayer_Plugin_20160414.APK (for plug-in 4.4 the following need to be installed) 5.0+ Android download Android FlashPlayer_20160414.APK No need to install plug-ins. Because I have been transplanted flash has been packaged in the FlashPlayer inside the. I also support AS2.0 touch and key loading with Oh, very good, good operation performance, has been used for multiple projects.