PinInputTextField is a TextField widget to help display different style pin. It supports all the platforms flutter supports.
- allow you customized the shape, any!
- built-in 4 commonly used pin styles of shape
- obscure support
- solid support
- enterColor support
- support all the textField properties support
- Flutter web support
Thanks to the Flutter Web, you can enjoy the preview by website without any installation.
Install the latest version from pub.
Customizable attributes for PinInputTextField
Attribute Name | Example Value | Description |
pinLength | 6 | The max length of pin, the default is 6 |
onSubmit | (String pin){} | The callback will execute when user click done, sometimes is not working in Android. |
decoration | BoxLooseDecoration | Decorate the pin, there are 3 inside styles, the default is BoxLooseDecoration |
inputFormatters | WhitelistingTextInputFormatter.digitsOnly | Just like TextField's inputFormatter, the default is WhitelistingTextInputFormatter.digitsOnly |
keyboardType | TextInputType.phone | Just like TextField's keyboardType, the default is TextInputType.phone |
pinEditingController | PinEditingController | Controls the pin being edited. If null, this widget will create its own PinEditingController |
autoFocus | false | Same as TextField's autoFocus, the default is false |
focusNode | FocusNode | Same as TextField's focusNode |
textInputAction | TextInputAction.done | Same as TextField's textInputAction, not working in digit mode |
enabled | true | Same as TextField's enabled, the default is true |
onChanged | (String pin){} | Same as TextField's onChanged |
textCapitalization | TextCapitalization.words | Same as TextField's textCapitalization |
Instead of using PinInputTextField, using PinInputTextFormField to control validate.
/// Determine whether replace [obscureText] with number.
final bool isTextObscure;
/// The display text when [isTextObscure] is true, emoji supported
final String obscureText;
Please set the selection when you set the text programmatically, just like this.
Don't set the selection in lib code since if it will cause dead loop in iOS. 🤔
If you have any idea, please make a Pull Request.
The PinEditingController
listener will execute more than once when programmatically set text, you can filter some duplicate values in your code.