
Assignments of Reinforcement Learning Course in SJTU including DP(Dynamic Programming), MC(Monte-Caro Learning), TD(Temporal-Difference), Sarsa, Q-learning, DQN, A3C and DDPG.

Primary LanguagePython


Assignments of Reinforcement Learning Course in SJTU including DP(Dynamic Programming), MC(Monte-Caro Learning), TD(Temporal-Difference), Sarsa, Q-learning, DQN, A3C and DDPG.


At first, you need to install numpy, gym, torch, and matplotlib.

$ pip3 install numpy gym pytorch matplotlib --user

Then simply run the python file. For example:

$ python3 Assignment-5-A3C-DDPG/DDPG.py

You can look at the document of the assignment and my report for more information.