Capitalympis API

This is an API built with Node.js, Express, Prisma and MySQL to manage users and their scores for the Capitalympics project.


  • /api: Authentication and user management routes. Here, we log the user, refresh their tokens, manage their accounts (delete and update).
  • /api/continents: Provides raw data for continents, which is then stored on the front-end.
  • /api/regions: Provides raw data for regions, which is then stored on the front-end.
  • /api/countries: Provides raw data for countries, which is then stored on the front-end.
  • /api/questions: Handles user responses, helps retrieve the best questions based on previous answers. This route involves significant backend calculations.
  • /api/scores: Retrieves calculated scores for a user, provides overall scores, and allows score resetting.
  • /api/users: Route for user registration only.


This project is not meant to be run locally but you can still do it, you need :

  • A file .env containing your database connection, such as :
DATABASE_URL=database url

(or see example)

  • A mysql database with the correct tables :
Users :
Name Type Key
id Int PK
name String
password String
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime
language Language
Continent :
Name Type Key
id Int PK
name Json
Country :
Name Type Key
id Int PK
code String
name Json
capital Json
official_name Json
region_id Int
population Int
google_maps_link String
flag String
CountryCurrency :
Name Type Key
id Int PK
country_id Int
currency_id Int
Currency :
Name Type Key
id Int PK
name String
symbol String
Region :
Name Type Key
id Int PK
name Json
continent_id Int
QuestionResult :
Name Type Key
id Int PK
user_id Int
country_id Int
learning_type LearningType
result Score
created_at DateTime

With these types :

enum Language {

enum LearningType {

enum Score {

Use prisma to initialize your database, migrations are available here.

Then you can easily seed the database by running : npm run seed To fill raw data tables : countries, regions and continents.

Run the api

Either :

  • Clone the repo
  • Run the classic : npm i
  • Do not forget to fill the .env
  • Run the following command : npm run dev
  • Then go to http://localhost:3001

Or :

  • Build the Dockerfile with the following command : docker build -t <yourname>/api-capitalympics -f Dockerfile .
  • Run it : sudo docker run --network=host -p 3001:3001 -e DB_HOST=<YOUR_DB_HOST> -e DB_USER=<YOUR_DB_USER> -e DB_PWD=<YOUR_DB_PWD> -e DB_NAME=<YOUR_DB_NAME> -e PORT=<YOUR_PORT> -e JWT_TOKEN=<YOUR_JWT_TOKEN> -e DATABASE_URL=<YOUR_DATABASE_URL> --name capitalympics <yourname>/api-capital