
Monitoring for the Tesla powerwall


Monitoring the Tesla Powerwall with the TICK framework



  • docker
  • docker-compose


  • edit powerwall.yml and replace with your powerwall IP
  • create a file called .env.cookieproxy to define the POWERWALL_PASSWORD which is used for authentication. This should be a single line that looks like this:
  • start the docker containers: docker-compose -f powerwall.yml up -d
  • connect to the Influx database shell: docker exec -it influxdb influx
  • at the database prompt, enter the following commands:
     USE powerwall
     CREATE RETENTION POLICY raw ON powerwall duration 3d replication 1
     ALTER RETENTION POLICY autogen ON powerwall duration 365d
     CREATE RETENTION POLICY kwh ON powerwall duration INF replication 1
     CREATE RETENTION POLICY daily ON powerwall duration INF replication 1
     CREATE RETENTION POLICY monthly ON powerwall duration INF replication 1
     CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq_autogen ON powerwall BEGIN SELECT mean(home) AS home, mean(solar) AS solar, mean(from_pw) AS from_pw, mean(to_pw) AS to_pw, mean(from_grid) AS from_grid, mean(to_grid) AS to_grid, last(percentage) AS percentage INTO powerwall.autogen.:MEASUREMENT FROM (SELECT load_instant_power AS home, solar_instant_power AS solar, abs((1+battery_instant_power/abs(battery_instant_power))*battery_instant_power/2) AS from_pw, abs((1-battery_instant_power/abs(battery_instant_power))*battery_instant_power/2) AS to_pw, abs((1+site_instant_power/abs(site_instant_power))*site_instant_power/2) AS from_grid, abs((1-site_instant_power/abs(site_instant_power))*site_instant_power/2) AS to_grid, percentage FROM raw.http) GROUP BY time(1m), month, year fill(linear) END
     CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq_kwh ON powerwall RESAMPLE EVERY 1m BEGIN SELECT integral(home)/1000/3600 AS home, integral(solar)/1000/3600 AS solar, integral(from_pw)/1000/3600 AS from_pw, integral(to_pw)/1000/3600 AS to_pw, integral(from_grid)/1000/3600 AS from_grid, integral(to_grid)/1000/3600 AS to_grid INTO powerwall.kwh.:MEASUREMENT FROM autogen.http GROUP BY time(1h), month, year tz('Australia/Adelaide') END
     CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq_daily ON powerwall RESAMPLE EVERY 1h BEGIN SELECT sum(home) AS home, sum(solar) AS solar, sum(from_pw) AS from_pw, sum(to_pw) AS to_pw, sum(from_grid) AS from_grid, sum(to_grid) AS to_grid INTO powerwall.daily.:MEASUREMENT FROM powerwall.kwh.http GROUP BY time(1d), month, year tz('Australia/Adelaide') END 
     CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq_monthly ON powerwall RESAMPLE EVERY 1h BEGIN SELECT sum(home) AS home, sum(solar) AS solar, sum(from_pw) AS from_pw, sum(to_pw) AS to_pw, sum(from_grid) AS from_grid, sum(to_grid) AS to_grid INTO powerwall.monthly.:MEASUREMENT FROM powerwall.daily.http GROUP BY time(365d), month, year END
  • open up Grafana in the browser at http://<server ip>:9000 and login with admin/admin
  • from Configuration\Data Sources, add InfluxDB database with:
    • name: InfluxDB
    • url: http://influxdb:8086
    • database: powerwall
    • min time interval: 5s
  • from Configuration\Data Sources, add Sun and Moon database with:
    • name: Sun and Moon
    • your latitude and longitude
  • from Dashboard\Manage, select Import, and upload dashboard.json

Note: the database queries are set to use Australia/Adelaide as timezone. Edit the database commands above and dashboard.json to replace Australia/Adelaide with your own timezone.

Note also: influxdb does not run reliably on older models of Raspberry Pi, resulting in the Docker container terminating with error 139.


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