
A New Model of Magnetic Phenomenon

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


A New Model of Magnetic Phenomenon By BazookaJeff

Bitcoin: 12VbTWc4hLSqhAs1LEDBWKdBfaDCC98DMc

Contact Information

Twitter: @bazookajeff






Papers Below

Paper 1: Non Local Electron Displacement Theory

Paper 2: Non Local Algorithmic Particle Web Theory

Paper 3: Non Local Electron Shell Theory

Paper 4: Pyramidal Resonance Earth Engine

Paper 5: Resonant Hydrogen as a Fuel Source


There exists a cosmic network of particle flow (I wager it could be electrons, Tesla thought it was neutrons). This network binds all things, non-living and living. The network is ordered and is most clearly observed in a permanent magnet which means all things are magnetic (albeit most very weakly). Rotational objects that match this particle flow (like a toroid) exhibit a different behavior than if not rotating i.e. they can feel weightless (proven with science). The particles are usually ordered - positive and negative - and thus usually cancel each other out i.e. no magnetism. However, in the cosmic network, all matter has particle flow and thus all things can become more or less magnetic. Since the Earth is spinning, it operates much like a spinning gyro. and thus shares this unusual magnetism. Unfortunately, the cosmic network has both negative and positive flow which means that sometimes you get pole shifts, or the flipping of objects (most clearly seen with the tennis racket theorem or Dzhanibeov effect). I think that the Earth went through the same flipping and does this on a regular basis. I also think that the Cosmos must certainly have a cosmic flow and our ancient ancestors utilized it.

To get a free copy of the papers, click Fork in the top right

I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors. These are the first iterations of my papers and I will continue to work them as time permits. Unfortunately, I am not sure how much time I will have to work on this project as I have two brain aneurysms which incidentally have caused me to publish these papers much earlier than I anticipated. My hope is that bright minds will entertain these theories as I think they have merit and can propel us into a brighter future. Please download copies as well for I am also unsure what might happen if I am indeed correct. Also, I don't want anything in return really, just to help out while I am here. If you have questions, I am still around.

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