
open your garages via android

Primary LanguageJava


open your garage doors via your Android or any other web-enabled device!

But Why?

We have 2 garages at our house.
There are 2 radio controls to toggle the garage doors.
There are 3+ people who want to be able to open & close the garages.
All of those people own an android phone with internet access.


Therefore, I took one radio control and opened it.
It contains 4 SMD pushbuttons, but only two of them are used for our garages.

Via a Raspberry Pi, it is easily possible to simulate button presses using two GPIO Pins.
So now, there's a simple node.js webserver controlling the GPIO Pins and listening to webrequests.
That's all :D


Q: Why do you need 6 mosfets to control 2 simple pushbuttons?
A: You don't. Use reed relays instead of mosfets if you can. I didn't have those in stock and used mosfets to get to know about how they work and how you usually get them to work :D

Software Used

  • TinyCad: nice & simple tool for modelling small circuits
  • some more software goes here TODO

Code quality

This was a 1-weekend project, so there's probably a whole lot to improve here.
Feel free to contribute in any way :)



  • enhance logger (log ips and request parameters)
  • secure passwords (hash)


  • disable and reenable buttons
  • fix log colors
  • implement settings activity


  • document security measures such as secret.js and Secret.java
  • "Run this" section in here with explanations on how to set this up