
A collection of files and patterns to improve PostgreSQL text search

ISC LicenseISC

PostgreSQL text-search utils

A collection of files and patterns to improve the default PostgreSQL text search.

What's this?

The PostgreSQL text search engine is one of the best available across both commercial and open-source RDBMs, but it does miss a number features when it comes to supporting languages other than English.

This repository is aiming to provide useful patterns and files that are potentially missing in a default PostgreSQL distribution.


The location of $SHAREDIR is OS/PostgreSQL distribution specific. On a Debian/Ubuntu-based box with PostgreSQL 9.5, you'll find it at /usr/share/postgresql/9.5/. Ask around on stackoverflow if you can't find yours. Please refrain from raising issues in this repo to ask about it.

Updated unaccent rules

The unaccent.rules file on your system may lack a number of UTF8 characters, depending on how old is your PostgreSQL version. If necessary, you can replace the one in your $SHAREDIR/tsearch_data folder with the latest one from the PostgreSQL repository:

cd `pg_config --sharedir`/tsearch_data
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/postgres/postgres/master/contrib/unaccent/unaccent.rules

Language-specific stop words

In a standard PostgreSQL 9.5 package there are 14 *.stop files covering Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.

If your language is not among those, there's a chance you'll find the missing file in this repository.

cd `pg_config --sharedir`/tsearch_data
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/icflorescu/postgresql-tsearch-utils/master/romanian.stop

If the file you're looking for is not here, then by all means feel free to contribute with a useful pull-request. Simply raising an issue to ask for it will probably not help, but I'll gladly accept pull-requests with greek.stop, bulgarian.stop, czech.stop, etc.

Useful information around the web


Here's how to create an improved search configuration for Romanian language:

/* Make sure you've updated the unaccent.rules file
 * before creating extension

/* Create a Romanian "snowball" dictionary that
 * takes into account stopwords defined in romanian.stop
    TEMPLATE  = snowball
  , LANGUAGE  = romanian
  , STOPWORDS = romanian

/* Create a new text search configuration
 * based on the newly created dictionary and unaccent.rules
  ALTER MAPPING FOR asciiword, asciihword, hword_asciipart, hword, hword_part, word
  WITH unaccent, ro;

/* This will give you wrong results:
 * 'autom':10 'cu':3 'cut':7 'de':8 'integral':5 'limuzin':1 'tracțiun':4 'verd':2 'vitez':9 'și':6
SELECT to_tsvector('romanian', 'limuzină verde cu tracțiune integrală și cutie de viteze automată');

/* But using the new search configuration will give you better results:
 * 'autom':10 'cut':7 'integral':5 'limuzin':1 'tractiun':4 'verd':2 'vitez':9
SELECT to_tsvector('ro', 'limuzină verde cu tracțiune integrală și cutie de viteze automată');

Read carefully before raising issues

I'm getting lots of questions from people just learning to do web development or simply looking to solve a very specific problem they're dealing with. While I will answer some of them for the benefit of the community, please understand that open-source is a shared effort and it's definitely not about piggybacking on other people's work. On places like GitHub, that means raising issues is encouraged, but coming up with useful pull-requests is a lot better. If I'm willing to share some of my code for free, I'm doing it for a number of reasons: my own intellectual challenges, pride, arrogance, stubbornness to believe I'm bringing a contribution to common progress and freedom, etc. Your particular well-being is probably not one of those reasons. I'm not in the business of providing free consultancy, so if you need my help to solve your specific problem, there's a fee for that.

Asking for help or a new feature

See the note above. If you need help and are willing to pay for it, drop me a message. If you have an idea about a new feature that doesn't break existing ones and you're willing to invest effort to make it happen, have a look at the code and feel free to make a pull-request.


See contributors here.

If you find this repo useful, don't hesitate to give it a star and spread the word.


The ISC License.