
Link-cutting system that allows you to collect information about users who have clicked on a link, and provides two links for sharpening and viewing link statistics.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


It is a full-stack web application that shortens a link and also allows you to view statistics of who clicked on it


Steps for setting up a project:

git clone https://github.com/ich-kirich/URL-Shortner.git
cd URL-Shortner
cd server
npm install
cd ..
cd client
npm install
  • npm install - Set up all necessary dependencies

Launch server part:

  • npm start - build the project and start the server
  • npx sequelize-cli db:migrate - start the migration process
  • npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all - upload seeds(optional)
  • npm run dev - start the project in developer mode and start the server

Launch client part:

  • npm start - start the project in developer mode and start the client
  • npm run build - build the project

Technology stack

  • Backend: NodeJs, Dotenv, Typescript, Eslint, Nodemon, PostgreSQL, Eslint, Prettier, Postman, ExpressJS, Sequelize ORM, Docker, GeoIpLight, BrowserDetec, IP, UserAgent, Http-status-codes, Node-config, Nanoid, Cross-env
  • Frontend: React, Redux, Typescript, Material UI, SCSS, Eslint, Prettier, Axios, Normalize CSS