
Library for generating binaural beats with the Web Audio API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Javascript/CoffeeScript library for generating binaural beats using the Web Audio API. DEMO
More on binaural beats Here


bower install binauralbeatjs

Basic Usage

// Create a new AudioContext to connect to
var context = new AudioContext()

// Create a BinauralBeat instance, options is a hash with the below defaults if nothing is provided.
var bBeat = new BinauralBeat(context, options{pitch: 440, beatRate: 5, waveType: 0, compressNodes: false});

// Create a new gain node to control volume
var volume = context.createGain();

// Connect to the BinauralBeat node to the gain node

// Connect the gain node to the context output.

// Control volume like this
volume.gain.value = .8

// Finally

In addition to standard script linking, BinauralBeatJS is AMD compliant and works great with requirejs.