
LuaJIT FFI binding for the Argon2 password hashing algorithm

Primary LanguageLua


Module Version Build Status Coverage Status

FFI binding of Argon2 for LuaJIT.

While lua-argon2 provides a PUC Lua binding through the Lua C API, this module is a binding for the LuaJIT FFI, especially fit for use in ngx_lua/OpenResty.


The Argon2 shared library must be compiled and available in your system.


  • Version 0.x of this module is compatible with Argon2 20151206
  • Version 1.x of this module is compatible with Argon2 20160406 and later.

See the CI builds for the status of the currently supported versions.


This binding can be installed via Luarocks:

$ luarocks install argon2-ffi

Or simply by copying the src/argon2.lua file in your LUA_PATH.


Note: lua-argon2-ffi uses the same API as lua-argon2, to the exception of the default settings capabilities of lua-argon2.


local argon2 = require "argon2"
--- Prototype
-- local hash, err = argon2.encrypt(pwd, salt, opts)

--- Argon2i
local hash = assert(argon2.encrypt("password", "somesalt"))
-- hash is "$argon2i$m=12,t=2,p=1$c29tZXNhbHQ$ltrjNRFqTXmsHj++TFGZxg+zSg8hSrrSJiViCRns1HM"

--- Argon2d
local hash = assert(argon2.encrypt("password", "somesalt", {argon2d = true}))
-- hash is "$argon2d$m=12,t=2,p=1$c29tZXNhbHQ$mfklun4fYCbv2Hw0UnZZ56xAqWbjD+XRMSN9h6SfLe4"

-- Hashing options
local hash = assert(argon2.encrypt("password", "somesalt", {
  t_cost = 4,
  m_cost = 24,
  parallelism = 2,
  hash_len = 64
-- hash is "$argon2i$v=19$m=24,t=4,p=2$c29tZXNhbHQ$NV3zeCzIhUhosd7jtTuifTEoPOb/aPAtO0oTYdZkWfNBXCglBgxVEiJy+tLG4j011vZRO3pnmG82Vc/C1B6Tzw"


local argon2 = require "argon2"
--- Prototype
-- local ok, err = argon2.decrypt(hash, plain)

local hash = assert(argon2.encrypt("password", "somesalt"))
-- hash is an argon2i hash

assert(argon2.verify(hash, "password")) -- ok: true
assert(argon2.verify(hash, "passworld")) -- error: The password did not match


This module's API being the same as lua-argon2's, the detailed documentation is available at http://thibaultcha.github.io/lua-argon2.


Work licensed under the MIT License. Please check P-H-C/phc-winner-argon2 for license over Argon2 and the reference implementation.