
Sample Spring MVC web store application which is based on WStore FIWARE

Primary LanguageJava

Spring WStore Fiware Connector

What do I do?

I am simple Spring MVC application for an online web-store. Instead of implementing the web-store from scratch, I am using the WStore enabler of FIWARE.

The security for is following Spring Security OAuth2 and the OAuth provider is Fiware. The code is based on the spring-wstore-fiware github repository.

Get it up and runnning

The project is built with Maven so you can run the build using the following maven command mvn clean package

To start up the application using the following command (Since it is a Spring boot application) mvn spring-boot:run

The application.properties (in src/main/resources) contains the details of the Fiware application which it uses to authenticate details. Change the values of the following attributes to the values for your application client.id client.secret

###To register a Fiware App perform the following steps

  • Go to https://account.lab.fiware.org/idm/myApplications and login with your Fiware account
  • If you don't have an application create a new one and then click into the app.
  • In the menu on the right side select "OAuth2 Credentials" and the api keys will appear.

When you have a the Fiware App configured and the Spring boot application and you navigate to http://localhost:9000. It will redirect you to a Fiware login page. Upong login it will ask you to authorize your application for access to your account to get email and profile data. On successful login it will render a page showing you fiware profile information.

This project is based on https://github.com/skate056/spring-security-oauth2-google