This is a small orchestration script allows you to let your BBB users stream their rooms automatically (via a setting in each room's configuration). It is build around and uses custom patches to Greenlight from this fork: Streaming is supported with a local rtmp instance on nginx, producing HLS, which is then made available via HTTP using a small site relying on
- A cron job executes the controller every minute (YMMV)
- If the controller detects a running room with streaming enabled, for which no docker process can be found, it starts a container for streaming.
- nginx consumes the procued rtmp (with the room-path as streaming key) and then produces HLS, which is made available via HTTPS
- A regex based nginx location and a small index.html then provide a web-view of the streams (if they are running)
- Change the password in the psql connect string
= Your BBB server or loadbalancer endpointBBB_SECRET
= Your BBB secretBBB_RTMP_PATH
; The IP and port on which nginx listens for rtmp connections; Firewall from the internetBBB_WEB_STREAM
; The base-URL of your streams. Individual streams will look like
, depending on the room's path.BBB_RES
= Resolution for the stream, e.g.,'1920x1080'
; The higher the resolution, the higher the load on the machine.
- Set URL in
variable according to your infrastructure (could be done better, i know) - Update
according to your infrastructure (background for videos before playing)
- Git clone the latest greenlite streaming fork
git clone -b streaming
Compile it with docker / run it - follow the Customize install instructions from BBB page. Make sure to merge it with the newest upstream release for greenlight! Also, make sure to add
to the enabled features list in.env
Git clone bbb-stream-controll
git clone
Install psycopg
apt-get install python3-psycopg2
Install docker python
apt-get install python3-docker
Install RTMP for nginx
apt-get install libnginx-mod-rtmp
Create folders for nginx:
mkdir /var/www/html/hls/
mkdir /var/www/html/streams/
chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/hls/
- Activate rtmp in nginx by adding the following lines to
. Make sure to replace the listen IP. Do not listen publicly or firewall accordingly.
rtmp {
server {
listen LISTENIP:1935;
chunk_size 4096;
allow publish;
allow publish;
allow publish;
deny publish all;
allow play all;
application live {
live on;
hls on;
hls_path /var/www/html/hls/;
hls_fragment 3;
hls_playlist_length 60;
record off;
- In your greenlight vhost (the nginx proxy), add, before the
location / {
statement, the following:
location ~ "/streams/[^/]+/$" {
try_files $uri $1/index.html;
Restart nginx:
service nginx restart
Install and configure; Adjust configuration variables as indicated above
mkdir /opt/bbb-stream-control/
cp ./ /opt/bbb-stream-control/
chmod +x /opt/bbb-stream-control/
Pull the container (to speed up things on first try):
docker image pull aauzid/bigbluebutton-livestreaming
method for execution
Install the cronjob running the script every minute:
cp bbb-stream-control.cron /etc/cron.d/bbb-stream-control
Install SystemD service that runs every 10-30 seconds
cp bbb-stream-control.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable bbb-stream-control
systemctl start bbb-stream-control
- set
and adjust according to the config instructions above (change HLS URL) -
- This is a hacky sollution, which (mostly) works; Use at your own judgement
- Cron and containers currently run as root; Planning to fix that in the future
- There is no authentication in front of active streams
- Streaming can be rather resource heavy on your frontend; Be careful. Technically, this setup also works with dedicated hosts for the streaming containers and serving the HLS content.