
Add hook support for Syncthing to run cmd based on event.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Syncthing Hook

Release Go Report Card Build State

Do you want to notify your programs to reload when a file is updated? Maybe also need to limit the trigger frequency? That is what SyncthingHook does.

This project adds hook function to Syncthing (open source file synchronization program), but works as a standalone program. The basic principle is to constantly request the Syncthing API to get the latest events and perform specified actions. So SynchingHook is compatible with Syncthing on any platform, and can even listen to remote service.


  • Single executable file, which is very easy to deploy.
  • Supports many kinds of event, including Syncthing native event and extra event.
  • Supports multiple filters depending on the kind of event.

Quick Start

  1. Download the executable file from the release page.
  2. Copy the example config file and write your version.
  3. Run it with profile: ./SyncthingHook --profile /path/to/config.yaml



SyncthingHook relies on configuration file (profile), which specifies events of interest and corresponding actions. You must specify the path of profile by one of the following ways (highest to lowest priority):

  • Command line argument: --profile /path/to/profile
  • Environment variable: STHOOK_PROFILE=/path/to/profile

Please refer to config/config.example.sthook.yaml for the format of profile. The detailed specification is also given through conofig/sthook.schema.json (json-schema).

Other Configuration Methods


The priority of different configuration methods from high to low is as follows:

  • Command line arguments
  • Environment variables
  • Profile

The value of the high-priority configuration method will override the configuration elsewhere, even if its value is empty "".

Supported Configuration Items

⚠️ Warning: do not configure other items expect those listed below by command line arguments or environment as it may lead to undefined behavior and fail at any time!

Some items in profile can be configured by command line arguments or environment variables. The following table lists all of them:

Config Item Command Line Argument Environment Variable
syncthing.url --syncthing.url STHOOK_SYNCTHING_URL
syncthing.apikey --syncthing.apikey STHOOK_SYNCTHING_APIKEY

For example:

./sthook --syncthing.url http://localhost:8384 --syncthing.apikey aaabbbccc


Event Description
st:ConfigSaved Syncthing doc
st:DeviceConnected Syncthing doc
st:DeviceDisconnected Syncthing doc
st:DeviceDiscovered Syncthing doc
st:DevicePaused Syncthing doc
st:DeviceResumed Syncthing doc
st:DownloadProgress Syncthing doc
st:Failure Syncthing doc
st:FolderCompletion Syncthing doc
st:FolderErrors Syncthing doc
st:FolderPaused Syncthing doc
st:FolderResumed Syncthing doc
st:FolderScanProgress Syncthing doc
st:FolderSummary Syncthing doc
st:FolderWatchStateChanged Syncthing doc
st:ItemFinished Syncthing doc
st:ItemStarted Syncthing doc
st:ListenAddressesChanged Syncthing doc
st:LocalChangeDetected Syncthing doc
st:LocalIndexUpdated Syncthing doc
st:LoginAttempt Syncthing doc
st:PendingDevicesChanged Syncthing doc
st:PendingFoldersChanged Syncthing doc
st:RemoteChangeDetected Syncthing doc
st:RemoteDownloadProgress Syncthing doc
st:RemoteIndexUpdated Syncthing doc
st:Starting Syncthing doc
st:StartupComplete Syncthing doc
st:StateChanged Syncthing doc
ex:LocalFolderContentChangeDetected Based on st:LocalChangeDetected, with file path matcher.

Common Parameters

Unless otherwise noted, the following parameters apply to all events:

Name Type Default Description
tolerance int64 0 How long to wait before triggering this event (ms). Typically used to get only the latest event. 0 means no waiting.
cooldown int64 0 The maximum frequency in millisecond that this event can be triggered. 0 indicates no limitation.


  - event-type: "st:FolderCompletion"
      tolerance: 500
      cooldown: 3000


This event based on st:LocalChangeDetected. It will be triggered only when the folder id equals the given one and the file belongs to the given path (equal or subdirectory). Path pattern / matches all events.


Name Type Default Description
st-folder string Folder-id in Syncthing. Cannot be omitted.
path string / Path to the target directory, must start with /.


The only action type currently supported is exec. However, since it can run any command, you may do whatever you want (e.g. run a python script).


  type: "exec"
  cmd: [ "python", "do.py" ]
  # cmd: [ "python do.py" ] BAD!

Please note:

  • The first element of cmd must be the program, which means you can't put parameters in it.
  • SyncthingHook won't wait for the command to return. So it may execute the command (triggered by next event) while the previous one is still running.