
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

Primary LanguagePython


Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python from www.edx.org
I cannot take the final exam as I will be on holiday on the days of exam:)


Lecture 1 – Introduction to Python:
• Knowledge • Machines • Languages • Types • Variables • Operators and Branching

Lecture 2 – Core elements of programs:
• Bindings • Strings • Input/Output • IDEs • Control Flow • Iteration • Guess and Check

Lecture 3 – Simple Programs:
• Approximate Solutions • Bisection Search • Floats and Fractions • Newton-Raphson

Lecture 4 – Functions:
• Decomposition and Abstraction • Functions and Scope • Keyword Arguments • Specifications • Iteration vs Recursion • Inductive Reasoning • Towers of Hanoi • Fibonacci • Recursion on non-numerics • Files

Lecture 5 – Tuples and Lists:
• Tuples • Lists • List Operations • Mutation, Aliasing, Cloning

Lecture 6 – Dictionaries:
• Functions as Objects • Dictionaries • Example with a Dictionary • Fibonacci and Dictionaries • Global Variables

Lecture 7 – Debugging:
• Programming Challenges • Classes of Tests • Bugs • Debugging • Debugging Examples

Lecture 8 – Assertions and Exceptions
• Assertions • Exceptions • Exception Examples

Lecture 9 – Classes and Inheritance:
• Object Oriented Programming • Class Instances • Methods • Classes Examples • Why OOP • Hierarchies • Your Own Types

Lecture 10 – An Extended Example:
• Building a Class • Viualizing the Hierarchy • Adding another Class • Using Inherited Methods • Gradebook Example • Generators

Lecture 11 – Computational Complexity:
• Program Efficiency • Big Oh Notation • Complexity Classes • Analyzing Complexity

Lecture 12 – Searching and Sorting Algorithms:
• Indirection • Linear Search • Bisection Search • Bogo and Bubble Sort • Selection Sort • Merge Sort

Lecture 13 – Visualization of Data:
• Visualizing Results • Overlapping Displays • Adding More Documentation • Changing Data Display • An Example

Lecture 14 – Summary


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