
A simple Django REST server accepting POST protobuf data

Primary LanguagePython


birdo is a server/client pair to send sample through protobuf stream.



Before using the client script, dependencies must be installed. There is a requirements.txt in the client folder:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Client script is in client directory. To use it, simply use:

python client.py

The CLI will prompt you to key in the file path and remote server url. File path is necessary. Then it will upload the content of the file.

** Before launching client, there should be a server running to catch the requests.**


Server is in server directory. First change directory into server.

Run on MacOS

  1. PostGIS database This server use PostGIS function. So there are two things necessary:
  • Install PostGIS
brew install postgis
  • Create PostGIS extension in PostgreSQL server Then in postgres CLI type to create extension:
  1. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the server Then it could be simply run in dev mode by:
python manage.py runserver

It could be used with uwsgi as well

uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini

Run on Kubernetes

  1. First deploy PostgreSQL with PostGIS If you have helm enabled in your kubernetes cluster:
helm install --name postgis --set postgresqlPassword=postgres,postgresqlDataDir="/bitnami/postgresql/data",persistence.storageClass=standard,persistence.size=5Gi,livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds=120,postgresqlDatabase=birdo,image.registry=registry.weave.nl,image.repository=docker/postgres-postgis,image.tag=latest --set fullnameOverride=postgis stable/postgresql

If you don't, simply use the template in server/k8s:

kubectl apply -f k8s/postgis.yaml
  1. Deploy birdo server
kubectl apply -f k8s/birdo.yaml

This will create an exposed ip address. You could see the address using:

kubectl get svc

Use http://{server-address}:8000 in the client prompt.


  • Explain your database choice

If there is no frequent demand on changing database schema, I will intend to select relational database, SQL instead of NoSQL. SQL are very reliable, high performance, and easy to establish the connection between different table. It is convenient considering future filter demands, and the nature of the data.

There are location data in this challenges. In my previous work experience, PostgreSQL supports abundant plugins, including PostGIS, which is a GeoData library. It could handle GPS data beautifully. Also, PostgreSQL has better statement optimizer, so it might have better efficiency.

And, it is the spatial database I am familiar with.

  • How would you modify the system if the number of samples becomes really big?

Currently the server accept samples one-by-one. So each time it will only insert one piece of sample into the database and therefore create a lot of database session and connect overhead. To reduce the insert session, I think it could implement bulk insert, and insert multiple samples at once.

For really big amount of data, I will make the sample sent to a Pub/Sub or message queue, therefore the samples could be keep in the queue and be inserted later. From the insertion of the queue, there could be throttling mechanism implemented.

  • How would you monitor the running services?

I will choose Prometheus to monitor the services. Since there are three components in this service: uwsgi, Django, PostgreSQL, I will work on these parts to monitor.

In uwsgi, I will enable the monitoring modules in it, and create a new endpoint for Prometheus to scrape.

For PostgreSQL, I will use a side-car exporter to get the metrics.

For the Django, I will set the metrics, like current request, and response time in the view parts. These will help us to get the RPS and latency information.