
RESTful API for the READr site

Primary LanguageGo


RESTful API for the READr site

Start the server

Use config/main_sample.json as template, put your mySQL connection address, username and password in a file main.json and save it in config/ You could also use a customized config file, like main_dev.json, put under directory config/.

with go run

go run main.go

when using customized configuration file:

go run main.go -file=main_dev

go run ignoring *_test.go files

go run $(ls -1 *.go | grep -v _test.go)

run the test

go test ./routes

Using MAKE tool

In this project we build some handy tools as alternatives to original go toolsets. These commands are synonyms to for verbose original go tool command, and could be used to build, test, run, or get dependencies.

run the server

This was set to run all *.go files except _test.go files. You could run the server by simply typing in:

make run

run the test

It's default to run test in all directory.

make test

install dependencies

Use this to install package.

make deps

build binary for alpine linux

make build-alpine


Single Post/Member


GET /member/[id]
GET /post/[id]

Multiple Posts/Members


GET /posts
GET /members



Default : max_result=20, page=1, sort=-updated_at

Use data keys for ascending sort order. Attach - for descending. For example, sort=updated_by is sorting using ascending updated_by, while sort=-updated_by is descending.

Multiple field sorting could be achieved with keys seperated by comma ,




There are posts filters for author and active now. To filter the posts of which the author is superman, and posts status active not [1,3] pass query parameter as follows:

Currently operator only support $in and $nin