Face Recognition System with Python on a TvBox

This software was proposed to monitoring people inside a school room. It was developed by @ichin23 as a PIBIC project.

System Parts

Here you can find how the project is structured

  • Database

    The main database was developed using MongoDB. The path database was named "faceRecognition", and the collections was defined like that:

    • person

      Name Type Explaining
      _id Id autogenerated by mongodb
      name String Face's name
      encoding Array Face array to the system determine the face
    • detectedFace

      Name Type Explaining
      id String Face's id
      name String face name
      room String where the face was detected
      datetime datetime Time of register
  • Software

    The current software was developed using Python languages including some libraries:

    - face_recognition
    - opencv
    - pymongo
    - tkinter
    - threading

    Run the project:

    1. Init the venv:

      source bin/activate

    2. Install the libraries mentioned before

    3. Running the project

      python src/main.py