De-GML is here to help (former) GameMaker users wishing to port their games into D.
Sub-package | Description |
de-gml:core |
Core functionality. Depends on ichor . |
de-gml:sdl |
For windowing and input. Depends on bindbc-sdl . |
de-gml:bgfx |
For drawing. Depends on bindbc-bgfx , shelper , de-gml:sdl . |
The library mainly focuses on helping convert GameMaker games without custom rendering setups. If you're familiar with custom rendering in GameMaker, you might be able to write your own rendering code using bgfx's D bindings.
Check the examples to see how to get started. Documentation for parts of the API that are from GML is sparse. Up-to-date documentation for GameMaker is located here.
GML features that can easily be converted to using D features or Phobos functions are not necessarily included in De-GML. Some simple conversions are listed in the Conversion Cheatsheet below.
Table of Contents |
API Differences |
Conversion Cheatsheet |
Function names and parameters are converted to D Style camelCase, but there are aliases to the GML-style snake_cased function names for convenience.
GML is a dynamically typed language, where D is statically typed. De-GML's API reflects this difference in various areas, including but not limited to:
- Conversion from floating point types to integer types is delegated to the caller (i.e. you) rather than performed implicitly by functions.
- Functions that would conditionally return
or return one of many types types may instead useVariant
(e.g. all DS functions do this), or they may use some other workaround.
Any enumerated constants (e.g. pt_linestrip
, bm_inv_src_colour
) are converted to D enums with the appropriate casing (e.g. PT.lineStrip
, BM.invSrcColour
) with GML-style aliases for convenience (e.g. pt.linestrip
, bm.inv_src_colour
Data structure accessors have the symbol prefix removed. For example:
auto a = myList[27]; //in GML: myList[| 27]
auto b = myMap["hello!"]; //in GML: myMap[? "hello"]
auto c = myGrid[12, 34]; //in GML: myGrid[# 12, 34]
Data structures use Variant
so that they can store arbitrary types. Whenever you retrieve a value from a data structure, it will be of type Variant
. You can get the original value back in a few ways:
: Returns a pointer to the value, ornull
if theVariant
doesn't contain a value of that type. Example:
int* x = myList[0].peek!int();
if(x !is null){ //make sure `list[0]` was storing an `int`
return *x; //de-reference the pointer if it's valid
: Tries to implicitly convert the value to the requested type. Throws an exception if the type in theVariant
can't be implicitly converted. Example:
int x = myList[0].get!int();
}catch(VariantException ex){
//this will run if the value couldn't be implicitly converted to an `int`
//for example, if the value was a `string`, `double`, or `long`
: Tries to explicitly convert (i.e. cast) the value to the requested type. Throws an exception if the type in theVariant
can't be explicitly converted. Example:
int x = myList[0].coerce!int();
}catch(VariantException ex){
//this will run if the value couldn't be explicitly converted to an `int`
//for example, if the value was a `string`
Room Assets are pointers in De-GML, so instead of checking if they are == -1
, you should check if they are is null
Sprite Assets are pointers in De-GML, so instead of checking if they are == -1
, you should check if they are is null
The conversions under this header only work at compile-time. These are best used in template functions, possibly in combination with CTFE-able functions.
var b = variable_instance_exists(id, "shields");
import std.traits;
bool b = hasMember!(typeof(id), "shields");
var a = variable_instance_get_names(instance_id);
import std.traits;
string[] a = [FieldNameTuple!(typeof(instanceID))];
var r = variable_instance_names_count(instance_id);
import std.traits;
size_t z = FieldNameTuple!(typeof(instanceID)).length;
var x = variable_instance_get(id, "shields");
auto x = mixin("id." ~ "shields");
variable_instance_set(id, "shields", 0);
mixin("id." ~ "shields" ~ " = " ~ "0");
var s = nameof(name)
string s = __traits(identifier, name);
var s = typeof(variable)
import std.conv;
string s = typeof(variable).to!string();
var b = is_string(n);
bool b = is(typeof(n) == string);
var b = is_real(n);
bool b = __traits(isFloating, n) || is(typeof(n) == int);
var b = is_numeric(n);
bool b = __traits(isArithmetic, n);
var b = is_bool(n);
bool b = is(typeof(n) == bool);
var b = is_array(n);
import std.traits;
bool b = isDynamicArray!(typeof(n)) || __traits(isStaticArray, n);
var b = is_struct(n);
bool b = is(typeof(n) == struct);
var b = is_callable(n);
import std.traits;
bool b = isCallable!n;
var b = is_ptr(n);
import std.traits;
bool b = isPointer!n;
var b = is_int32(n);
bool b = is(typeof(n) == int);
var b = is_int64(n);
bool b = is(typeof(n) == long);
var b = is_undefined(n);
bool b = n is null; //NOTE: only works for reference-types. Value types cannot have no value in D.
var b = is_nan(n);
import std.math.traits;
bool b = isNaN(n);
var b = is_infinity(n);
import std.math.traits;
bool b = isInfinity(n);
var b = bool(n);
bool b = cast(bool)n;
var p = ptr(n);
void* p = cast(void*)n;
var p = ref_create(self, "text");
typeof(n)* p = &text;
var p = ref_create(self, "array", 2);
typeof(n)* p = &array[2];
var l = int64(val);
long l = cast(long)val;
For most negative indices in GML (e.g. -1
, -2
, -3
) you can translate them to D when using slices by subtacting from the dollar operator. (e.g. $-1
, $-2
, $-3
var a = array_create(size);
auto a = new int[](size);
var a = array_create(size, value);
auto a = new int[](size);
a[] = value;
array_copy(dest, dest_index, src, src_index, length);
dest[dest_index..dest_index+length] = src[src_index..src_index+length];
var b = array_equals(var1, var2);
bool b = var1 == var2;
var b = var1 == var2;
bool b = var1 is var2;
var v = array_get(variable, index);
auto v = variable[index];
array_set(variable, index, value);
variable[index] = value;
array_push(variable, value);
variable ~= value;
array_push(variable, value1, value2, value3, value4);
variable ~= [value1, value2, value3, value4];
var v = array_pop(array);
auto v = array[$-1];
array = array[0..$-1];
var v = array_shift(array);
auto v = array[0];
array = array[1..$];
array_insert(variable, index, value);
if(index >= variable.length) variable.length = index+1;
variable = variable[0..index] ~ value ~ variable[index+1..$];
array_insert(variable, value1, value2, value3, value4);
if(index >= variable.length) variable.length = index+1;
variable = variable[0..index] ~ [value1, value2, value3, value4] ~ variable[index+1..$];
array_delete(array, index, number);
array = array[0..index] ~ array[index+number..$];
var i = array_get_index(array, value);
int i = -1;
foreach(index, item; array){
if(item == value){
i = index;
var i = array_get_index(array, value, -1, -infinity);
int i = -1;
foreach_reverse(index, item; array){
if(item == value){
i = index;
var b = array_contains(array, value);
import std.algorithm.searching;
bool b = array.canFind(value);
array_sort(variable, true);
import std.algorithm.sorting;
array_sort(variable, false);
import std.algorithm.sorting;
variable.sort!"a > b"();
import std.array, std.range;
myArray = myArray.retro().array();
import std.random;
array = array.randomShuffle();
var i = array_length(array);
size_t z = array.length;
array_resize(array, new_size);
array.length = newSize;
var v = array_first(array);
auto v = array[0];
var v = array_last(array);
auto v = array[$-1];
var b = array_any(array, function(val, ind){ return val == "apple"; });
import std.algorithm,searching;
bool b = array.any!((val){
return val == apple;
var b = array_all(array, function(val, ind){ return val == "apple"; });
import std.algorithm,searching;
bool b = array.all!((val){
return val == apple;
array_foreach(array, function(element, index){ element.x = index; });
foreach(index, ref element; array){
element.x = index;
var v = array_reduce(array, function(previous, current, index){ return min(previous, current); });
import std.algorithm.iteration: reduce;
auto v = array.reduce!((previous, current){
import std.algorithm.comparison: min;
return min(previous, current);
var a = array_concat(array1, array2, array3);
auto a = array1 ~ array2 ~ array3;
var a = array_union(array1, array2, array3);
import std.algorithm.setops;
var a = multiwayUnion(array1 ~ array2 ~ array3);
var a = array_intersection(array1, array2, array3);
import std.algorithm.setopts, sorting;
auto a = setIntersection(array1.sort(), array2.sort(), array3.sort()).array();
var a = array_filter(array, function(element){ return element >= 50; });
import std.algorithm.iteration;
auto a = array.filter!((element){
return element >= 50;
var a = array_map(numbers, function(element, index){ return element * 2; });
import std.algorithm.iteration;
auto a =!((element){
return element * 2;
var a = array_unique(array);
import std.array, std.algorithm.iteration, std.algorithm.sorting;
auto a = array.sort().uniq().array();
TODO: Add these!
GML strings are 1-indexed, but D string
s are not. These examples assume you have done the conversion of index variables yourself.
var s = string(value);
import std.conv;
string s =!string();
var s = string("Score: {0} / Health: {1}", score, health);
import std.format;
string s = format("Score: %s / Health: %s", score, health);
var s = ansi_char($41);
char c = cast(char)0x41;
var r = real(str);
double d =!double();
var r = string_byte_at(str, index);
char c = str[index];
var r = string_byte_length(str);
size_t z = str.length;
var s = string_set_byte_at(str, index, value);
str[index] = value;
var s = string_char_at(str, index);
import std.utf;
size_t byteIndex = str.toUTFindex(index);
dchar c = str.decode(byteIndex);
var r = string_length(str);
import std.utf;
size_t z = str.count();
var r = string_pos(substr, str);
//NOTE: Yields a 1-based byte-index (to be used with the array index operator), not a codepoint-index.
import std.algorithm.searching;
string search = str.find(subStr);
size_t z = search ? 1 + str.length - search.length : 0;
var r = string_pos_ext(substr, str, start_pos);
//NOTE: Yields a 1-based byte-index (to be used with the array index operator), not a codepoint-index.
import std.algorithm.searching, std.utf;
size_t startByteIndex = str.toUTFindex(startPos);
string search = str[startByteIndex..$].find(subStr);
size_t z = search ? 1 + str.length - search.length : 0;
var b = string_starts_with(str, substr);
import std.algorithm.searching;
bool b = str.startsWith(subStr);
var b = string_ends_with(str, substr);
import std.algorithm.searching;
bool b = str.endsWith(subStr);
var b = string_count(substr, str);
import std.algorithm.searching;
bool b = str.count(subStr);
var s = string_copy(str, index, count);
string s = str[index..index+count];
var s = string_delete(str, index, count);
string s = str[0..index] ~ str[index+count..$];
var s = string_digits(str);
import std.algorithm.iteration, std.ascii;
string s = str.filter!isDigit();
var s = string_format(val, total, dec);
import std.conv, std.format, std.string;
string s = format("%." ~!string() ~ "f", val).rightJustify(total);
var s = string_insert(substr, str, index);
string s = str[index] ~ subStr ~ str[index+1..$];
var s = string_letters(str);
import std.algorithm.iteration, std.ascii;
string s = str.filter!isAlpha();
var s = string_lettersdigits(str);
import std.algorithm.iteration, std.ascii;
string s = str.filter!isAlphaNum();
var s = string_lower(str);
import std.ascii;
string s = str.toLower();
var s = string_repeat(str, count);
import std.array, std.range;
string s = str.repeat(count).join();
var s = string_replace(str, substr, newstr);
import std.array;
string s = str.replaceFirst(subStr, newStr);
var s = string_replace_all(str, substr, newstr);
import std.array;
string s = str.replace(subStr, newStr);
var s = string_upper(str);
import std.ascii;
string s = str.toUpper();
var s = string_trim(str, ["|" "."]);
import std.string;
string s = str.strip("|.");
var s = string_trim_start(str, ["|" "."]);
import std.string;
string s = str.stripLeft("|.");
var s = string_trim_end(str, ["|" "."]);
import std.string;
string s = str.stripRight("|.");
var a = string_split(string, delimiter);
import std.array;
string[] a = str.split("|");
var a = string_split(string, delimiter, true);
import std.array, std.algorithm.iteration;
string[] a = str.split("|").filter!"a.length > 0"();
var s = string_join(delimiter, value1, value2, value3);
import std.array, std.algorithm.iteration;
//NOTE: Does not convert the values to strings in case they are not strings already.
dstring s = [value1, value2, value3].joiner(delimiter).array();
var s = string_join_ext(delimiter, values_array);
import std.array, std.algorithm.iteration;
dstring s = valuesArray.joiner(delimiter).array();
var s = string_concat(value1, value2, value3);
string s = text(value1, value2, value3);
var s = string_foreach(str, function(character, position){ show_debug_message(character); });
import std.stdio;
foreach(position, character; str){
val r = round(n);
import std.math;
double d = round(n);
val r = abs(n);
import std.math;
double d = abs(n);
val r = sign(n);
import std.math;
double d = sign(n);
val r = floor(n);
import std.math;
double d = floor(n);
val r = ceil(n);
import std.math;
double d = ceil(n);
val r = min(val1, val2, val3);
import std.algorithm.comparison;
double d = min(val1, val2, val3);
val r = max(val1, val2, val3);
import std.algorithm.comparison;
double d = max(val1, val2, val3);
val r = mean(val1, val2, val3);
import std.algorithm.iteration;
double d = mean(val1, val2, val3);
val r = clamp(val, minVal, maxVal);
import std.algorithm.comparison;
double d = clamp(val, minVal, maxVal);
val r = exp(n);
import std.math;
double d = exp(n);
val r = ln(n);
import std.math;
double d = log(n);
val r = power(x, n);
double d = x ^^ n;
`val r = sqrt(n);`
import std.math;
double d = sqrt(n);
val r = log2(n);
import std.math;
double d = log2(n);
val r = log10(n);
import std.math;
double d = log10(n);
val r = arccos(n);
import std.math;
double d = acos(n);
val r = arcsin(n);
import std.math;
double d = asin(n);
val r = arctan(n);
import std.math;
double d = atan(n);
val r = arctan2(n);
import std.math;
double d = atan2(n);
val r = cos(n);
import std.math;
double d = cos(n);
val r = sin(n);
import std.math;
double d = sin(n);
val r = tan(n);
import std.math;
double d = tan(n);