
A list of vendors that treat single sign-on as a luxury feature, not a core security requirement.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


SSOtax.org is an open source project to raise awareness how important SSO is as a core security requirement and that it should be available for everyone! It is maintained by the IT and InfoSec community.

SSO is not a luxury feature but a a core security requirement for any company!

🙋 Why is it a problem?

Find out more here.

🤓 How to contribute?

Just go to https://ssotax.org and add or edit a vendor there. You will be redirected back to the right Github page.

Vendor data lives in _vendors_bad/ and _vendors_good/.

💪 Contributors

Thank you for continuously making SSOTax better ❤️