
Simple gem that gives you control on scanning and processing files

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Async_Process is a library for processing files into folders. Currently library assumes we have a root folder and inside of it there are folders that contain files we want to process. i.e:

        \ file1
        \ file2
        \ file3


Async_Process is not available as a Rubygem yet. If you have a rails project you can insert the line below to your Gemfile and then run the bundle command.

gem 'async_process', git: 'git://github.com/icleversoft/async_process', require: false

Using Async_Process

It's pretty easy to use AsyncProcess. Below you can find a code example:


require 'async_process'

scanner = AsyncProcess::FileScanner.new('/path/to/root_folder')
queue = AsyncProcess::Queue.new( scanner )
queue.process do |on|
    on.file_to_process do |file|
        #Enter here your code for processing each file