provides a base object that gives you the ability to create promise methods just by setting the first parameter to $deferred and also binds those methods to the instance. It also allows you to extend any method and use mixins.
promise-object is very tiny - 1.3KB gzipped (3.1KB not gzipped)
npm install promise-object
there are a few rules with these params
- if you want to use $deferred it MUST be the first param
- any other pseudo param must be before any real params
these pseudo params are supported
- $deferred converts the method into a deferred method
- $super returns the parent method
- $class returns the class
- $self alternative to var self = this;
- $config ensures that the first argument is an object
helper that makes working with $config objects a little easier
var Promise = require('bluebird'),
PromiseObject = require('promise-object')(Promise);
var User = PromiseObject.create({
initialize: function ($config) {
this._name = $;
new User({name: 'joe'});
new User(); // this does not error out because $config was replaced with an empty object
you can specify class methods by placing a $ in front of the method like this
var Class = PromiseObject.create({
initialize: function ($class) {
$class.method(); // returns 'class method'
this.method(); // returns 'instance method'
$method: function () {
return 'class method';
method: function () {
return 'instance method';
this would allow you to call the class method via Class.method
promoise-object is promise library agnostic, you initialize the wrapper by passing in the promise library you are using.
below is an example of using promises and showing errors
var Promise = require('bluebird'),
PromiseObject = require('promise-object')(Promise);
var User = PromiseObject.create({
initialize: function (name) {
this._name = name;
getInfo: function ($deferred, error) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (error) {
$deferred.reject(new Error('Something went wrong'));
} else {
$deferred.resolve({age: 12});
}, 1000);
var joe = new User('joe');
function (info) {
function (error) {
if you are using a promise library that has coroutine
support (like bluebird) you can do the following
getInfo: function *($deferred) {
var one = yield this.getSomething();
any method can be extended upon, $super is used to request the parent method
var Promise = require('bluebird'),
PromiseObject = require('promise-object')(Promise);
var User = PromiseObject.create({
initialize: function (name) {
this._name = name;
getInfo: function ($deferred) {
setTimeout(function () {
$deferred.resolve({age: 12});
}, 0);
var Admin = User.extend({
initialize: function ($super, name) {
getInfo: function ($deferred, $super) {
$super().then(function (info) {
info.moreStuff = 123;
}, $deferred.reject);
var joe = new Admin('joe');
joe.getInfo().then(function (info) {
you can add methods to an instance by passing them via .reopen
like this
var user = new User();
getName: function ($deferred, $self) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
and you can add methods to a class like this
getName: function ($deferred, $self) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
when you reopen a method that already exists you gain access to $super
var Promise = require('bluebird'),
PromiseObject = require('promise-object')(Promise);
var Mixin = {
getRandomNumber: function () {
return Math.random();
var Mixin2 = {
getRandomNumberDeferred: function ($deferred) {
var Class = PromiseObject.create(Mixin, Mixin2, {
initialize: function () {
// examples
var example = new Class();
example.getRandomNumberDeferred().then(function (number) {
mixins should only use initialize to store instance vars
var Mixin = {
initialize: function () {
this._tags = [];
hasTag: function (tag) {
return this._tags.indexOf(tag) !== -1;
addTag: function (tag) {
if (this.hasTag(tag)) return;