:zap: Simplified interface for getting CPU intensive code to run on all cores (node.js, and web)
- 5um1thSydney, Australia
- abacajsoftware eng building things
- alixaxelPortugal
- amilajack@palettedev
- arvindr21Hyderabad, India
- Aur0rKarlsruhe
- bjrmatosLima, Peru
- bydooweedooIreland
- dbautistavhttp://localhost:4200
- DrewDahlman@OddCommon
- imaike
- iskedkIske.dk
- jd327
- jlagunasVinco Orbis Proyectos
- jovinbm@Twitter
- karbon0x@Asana
- kasperlewau@Unity-Technologies
- kilokeithChicago, IL
- LeoSolaris
- loretoparisi@Musixmatchdev
- m4rcelofs
- montanaflynn
- msingleInteSource Partners
- nawatts
- nozzlegearNozzlegear Software
- orakle
- panvaCzech Republic
- pillowsoftPillowSoft LLC
- program247365Buffalo, NY
- rafaelrinaldiBREU × BRANCO
- rationalthug
- rhiokimSeoul in Korea
- rosenfelde-Core
- samykopenpath security
- Thr1ve
- vsetkaHamburg, Germany