
Assignment 8 to practice Web APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Module 8 Challenge: 5-day Weather Forecast App

Assignment 8 of the Front-End Web Dev bootcamp to create a weather app with 5-day forecast.


5-Day Weather Forecast App

A web app to show current weather and 5-day forecast for any city searched by a user.

Weather app · GitHub repo ·

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Development
  3. Deployed Project

About The Project

Project Goal

The goal of this project is to practice web APIs (specifically OpenWeatherAPI), jQuery, a web library like Day.js, and using local storage.

Project Specifications

The tasks for this challenge are outlined in the following requirements.

The weather app must have these features:

  1. Create a weather dashboard with form inputs.
  2. When a user searches for a city they are presented with current and future conditions for that city and that city is added to the search history.
  3. When a user views the current weather conditions for that city they are presented with:
    • The city name
    • The date
    • An icon representation of weather conditions
    • The temperature
    • The humidity
    • The wind speed
  4. When a user view future weather conditions for that city they are presented with a 5-day forecast that displays:
    • The date
    • An icon representation of weather conditions
    • The temperature
    • The humidity
  5. When a user click on a city in the search history they are again presented with current and future conditions for that city

Sample App

We were provided with the original demo of the weather app:

inital screenshot

Built With

We were provided with a starter html file which I only slightly updated with links and code for Bootstrap modals.

I built the files in JavaScript (using jQuery) and css (leveraging Bootstrap classes to be assigned dynamically by js).

The project was built with:

HTML CSS Bootstrap JavaScript jQuery OpenWeatherMap API Day.js

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I have to say that it was a quite challenging assignment. I wanted to go beyond just the requirements and make sure that the visual aspects and the logic would approximate both the demo image and the real world. To achieve this, I searched for solutions across the web and sometimes leveraged AI.

Change location into Proper Case

When a user searches for a city, I wanted not only to remove unnecessary white spaces, but also make sure that the city name is always displayed in Proper Case. That is to say, if a user enters 'new york' or 'pArIS', these will be displayed as 'New York' and 'Paris' on the screen. To achieve this using jQuery, I used the code from this blog.

Re-arrange date format

The OpenWeather API supplies the date in the format "YYYY-DD-MM hh-mm-ss" (eg. "2024-01-16 15:00:00"), whereas the demo image shows date in the format "DD/MM/YYYY". I used the following resources to achieve the date transformation:

  • Rearrange date format using regex based on code snippet 6 from StackOverflow
  • Extract just the day from the timestamp using a date object obtained using code from this article

Replace one character with another

When extracting weather icons from the API, I realized that the API had misalignment between the time in the timestamp and the day/night code. For example, for a timestamp "2024-01-17 09:00:00" it has "pod": "n" and "icon": "04n" ('n' stands for 'night'). I used the code in snippet 4 in this StackOverflow article to swap 'n' for 'd'.

Event listener binding

I had an issue with multiple bindings on the event listener on buttons with search history. All my web research did not let me solve this problem. Finally, I turned to ChatGPT and it provided me with the best solution:

ChatGPT multiple bindings

Combining Filter and Includes methods

To extract the forecast data for the next few days, I wanted to focus on the array items related to midday, i.e. those that contained timestamp of '12:00:00'.

Initially I used an if statement but realized there should be a simpler way using .filter and .includes methods. However, as much as I tried to devise ways to combine them, I could not do it, and I didn't find any articles online with instructions.

Finally, I asked ChatGPT and received an answer which I used in my code (lines 117-118 in script.js):

Question to ChatGPT on how to use .filter and .includes methods to filter an array that contains timestamp of 12:00:00 Answer from ChatGPT with the code that combines .filter and .includes to create a new array with the data that has the midday stamp

Block action if location invalid

I needed to find a way to prevent adding a button with a location name if the location name was invalid (eg. 'dfdfdfd' or 'Pariz'). I was stuck on it for quite some time, and has to consult support specialists from the Bootcamp. I raised the support ticket ask-297965 and the analyst (screen name nmendu) helped me figure it out.

Issues with the midday logic

My logic for extracting the records for midday had a flaw: if I check the weather in the morning, the free API provides an array with only 40 snapshots of forecast weather data, which excludes the midday of day 5. Since I do not include today's midday in the forecast, I was left with only 4 cards with forecast weather.

I discussed this with my tutor, Benicio Lopez and he helped me include a condition that checks the number of cards created, and extracts the last record in the forecast data (i.e. record #40) to be included as Day 5 forecast.

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Deployed project

The project is now live.

Deployed application

The deployed page looks like this:

Deployed page

Links to deployed project

You can find the Day Planner app and its corresponding code here:

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