
Official implementation of I2I-Mamba, an image-to-image translation model based on selective state spaces

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Multi-modal medical image synthesis via selective state space modeling

Omer F. Atli1,2·Bilal Kabas1,2·Fuat Arslan1,2·   Arda C. Demirtas1,2·Mahmut Yurt3·Onat Dalmaz3·Tolga Çukur1,2

1Bilkent University   2UMRAM   3Stanford University

Official PyTorch implementation of I2I-Mamba, a novel adversarial model for multi-modal medical image synthesis that leverages selective state space modeling (SSM) to efficiently capture long-range context while maintaining local precision. I2I-Mamba injects channel-mixed Mamba (cmMamba) blocks in the bottleneck of a convolutional backbone. In cmMamba blocks, SSM layers are used to learn context across the spatial dimension and channel-mixing layers are used to learn context across the channel dimension of feature maps.





You are welcome to ask any library issues.


To reproduce the results reported in the paper, we recommend the following dataset processing steps:

Sequentially select subjects from the dataset. Apply skull-stripping to 3D volumes. Select 2D cross-sections from each subject. Normalize the selected 2D cross-sections before training and before metric calculation.

You should structure your aligned dataset in the following way:

  ├── T1_T2
  │   ├── train
  |    - 1.png
  |    - 2.png
  |    - ...
  │   ├── val
  │   └── test
  ├── T2_PD
  │   ├── train
  │   └── ...
  ├── T1_PD__T2
  │   ├── train
  │   └── ...

x.png is a single image containing both source and target image side-by-side. Thus the resulting image for one-to-one task will be 512 pixels horizontally and 256 pixels vertically and for many-to-one task it will be 768 pixels horizontally and 256 pixels vertically.

Note that for many-to-one tasks, source modalities should be in the Red and Green channels.

You may use data_preparetion. For one to one task, change first image path, second image path and output path, then run dataprep_one_to_one.py, which is under data_preparation folder. The same slice should have same namings in their corresponding folders. If you want to prepare A__B the first image path will be path for A and second image path will be path for B.

python3 dataprep_one_to_one.py

For many to one task, change first image path, second image path, third image path and output path, then run dataprep_many_to_one.py, which is under data_preparation folder. The same slice should have same namings in their corresponding folders. If you want to prepare A_B__C the first image path will be path for A and second image path will be path for B and the third image path will be C.

python3 dataprep_many_to_one.py


Step 0

Before training your data you are required to run path_generate.py to generate 'spiral_eye.npy', 'spiral_r_eye_.npy', 'despiral_r_eye_.npy' which are required for training and testing. Note that this file will be run only for the first time.

python3 models/path_generate.py


  1. One-to-one training, e.g. T2->PD
python3 train.py --dataroot datasets/IXI/T2_PD/ --name ixi_t2__pd --gpu_ids 0 --model i2i_mamba_one --which_model_netG i2i_mamba --which_direction AtoB --lambda_A 100 --dataset_mode aligned --norm batch --pool_size 0 --output_nc 1 --input_nc 1 --loadSize 256 --fineSize 256 --niter 30 --niter_decay 30 --save_epoch_freq 5 --checkpoints_dir checkpoints/ --display_id 0 --lr 0.0001
  1. Many-to-one training, e.g. T1,T2->PD
python3 train.py --dataroot datasets/IXI/T1_T2__PD/ --name ixi_t1_t2__pd --gpu_ids 0 --model i2i_mamba_many --which_model_netG i2i_mamba --which_direction AtoB --lambda_A 100 --dataset_mode aligned --norm batch --pool_size 0 --output_nc 1 --input_nc 3 --loadSize 256 --fineSize 256 --niter 30 --niter_decay 30 --save_epoch_freq 5 --checkpoints_dir checkpoints/ --display_id 0 --lr 0.0001

Argument descriptions

Argument Description
--dataroot Root directory path of the dataset.
--name Name of the experiment, used for storing model checkpoints and results.
--gpu_ids List of GPU IDs to use for training (e.g., 0 for the first GPU).
--model Model type to use for training.
--which_model_netG Specifies the generator architecture to use.
--which_direction Direction of the image translation, e.g., AtoB or BtoA.
--lambda_A Weight for cycle consistency loss from domain A to B and back to A.
--dataset_mode Dataset loading mode, specifying how the dataset is loaded (e.g., aligned).
--norm Normalization type used in the model, e.g., batch normalization.
--pool_size Size of the image buffer that stores previously generated images.
--output_nc Number of output image channels.
--input_nc Number of input image channels.
--loadSize Scale images to this size before cropping.
--fineSize Crop images to this size for training.
--niter Number of iterations with the initial learning rate.
--niter_decay Number of iterations to linearly decay the learning rate to zero.
--save_epoch_freq Frequency of saving checkpoints at the end of epochs.
--checkpoints_dir Directory where model checkpoints are saved.
--display_id ID of the display window for visualizing training results (0 to disable).
--lr Initial learning rate for the optimizer.



  1. One-to-one testing, e.g. T2->PD
python3 test.py --dataroot datasets/IXI/T2_PD/ --name ixi_t2__pd --gpu_ids 0 --model i2i_mamba_one --which_model_netG i2i_mamba --dataset_mode aligned --norm batch --phase test --output_nc 1 --input_nc 1 --how_many 10000 --serial_batches --fineSize 256 --loadSize 256 --results_dir results/ --checkpoints_dir checkpoints/ --which_epoch 60
  1. Many-to-one testing, e.g. T1,T2->PD
python3 test.py --dataroot datasets/IXI/T1_T2__PD/ --name T2_PD_T1_mambaoffTekrar_nonorm --gpu_ids 0 --model i2i_mamba_many --which_model_netG i2i_mamba --dataset_mode aligned --norm batch --phase test --output_nc 1 --input_nc 3 --how_many 10000 --serial_batches --fineSize 256 --loadSize 256 --results_dir results/ --checkpoints_dir checkpoints/ --which_epoch 60

Argument descriptions

Argument Description
--results_dir Directory where test results are saved.
--serial_batches If set, takes images in order to make batches, otherwise takes them randomly.
--how_many Number of test images to run.
--which_epoch Which epoch to load? Set to 'latest' to use the latest cached model.


You are encouraged to modify/distribute this code. However, please acknowledge this code and cite the paper appropriately.

  title={I2I-Mamba: Multi-modal medical image synthesis via selective state space modeling}, 
  author={Omer F. Atli and Bilal Kabas and Fuat Arslan and Mahmut Yurt and Onat Dalmaz and Tolga Çukur},

For any questions, comments and contributions, please feel free to contact Omer Faruk Atli (faruk.atli[at]bilkent.edu.tr)


This code uses libraries from ResViT and mamba repository.

Copyright © 2024, ICON Lab.