
Hylian is a generic price oracle on ICON working with a list of price feeds such as Daedric.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Hylian : Price Oracle SCORE



Hylian is a generic price oracle on ICON working with a list of price feeds such as Daedric. In the current version, it simply returns a median value of the whitelisted price feeds.


  • T-Bears should be installed
  • T-Bears needs to be launched using the configuration file provided in this repository :
tbears start -c ./config/localhost/tbears_server_config.json
  • You also need jq. Install it with sudo apt-get install jq


  • Run the install.sh script located in the root folder of the repository;

  • It will generate 3 operator wallets :

    • A first one on the Yeouido network in ./config/yeouido/keystores/operator.icx
    • A second one on the Euljiro network in ./config/euljiro/keystores/operator.icx
    • A last one on the Mainnet network in ./config/mainnet/keystores/operator.icx
  • Make sure to send some funds to these wallets before deploying a SCORE (20 ICX should be good enough).

  • A wallet for localhost development is already pre-generated.

  • If you correctly loaded T-bears using the configuration as described in the prerequisites, tbears balance hxba2e54b54b695085f31ff1a9b33868b5aea44e33 should return some balance.

Deploy Hylian SCORE to localhost, testnet or mainnet

  • In the root folder of the project, run the following command:
  • It should display the following usage:
> Usage:
 `-> ./scripts/score/deploy_score.sh [options]

> Options:
 -n <network> : Network to use (localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet)
 -t <ticker name> : The name of the medianizer ticker
 -m <minimum> : The minimum amount of price feeds required for the oracle to run
  • Fill the -n option corresponding to the network you want to deploy to: localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet.
  • Fill the -t option with the name of the ticker, such as ICXUSD. Note that ticker name needs to be the same than the deployed Medianizer SCORE.
  • Fille the -m option with the minimum number of price feeds available for the price oracle to work, otherwise it will raise an error.
  • Example :
$ ./scripts/score/deploy_score.sh -n localhost -t ICXUSD -m 5

Update an already deployed Hylian to localhost, testnet or mainnet

  • If you modified the Hylian SCORE source code, you may need to update it.

  • In the root folder of the project, run the following command:

$ ./scripts/score/update_score.sh
  • It should display the following usage:
> Usage:
 `-> ./scripts/score/update_score.sh [options]

> Options:
 -n <network> : Network to use (localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet)
  • Fill the -n option corresponding to the network where your SCORE is deployed to: localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet.

  • Example :

$ ./scripts/score/update_score.sh -n localhost

Whitelist a price feed SCORE (such as Daedric)

  • Your Hyalin SCORE needs price feeds in order to work. For doing so, you need to whitelist some price feed SCOREs.

  • In the root folder of the project, run the following command:

$ ./scripts/score/add_feed.sh
  • It should display the following usage:
> Usage:
 `-> ./scripts/score/add_feed.sh [options]

> Options:
 -n <network> : Network to use (localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet)
 -a <score address> : SCORE address of the new price feed
  • Fill the -n option corresponding to the network where your SCORE is deployed to: localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet.
  • Fill the -a option with the address of the price feed SCORE you want to whitelist.
  • Example :
$ ./scripts/score/add_feed.sh -n localhost -a cx17fea4a9a01970cc730db9100dee9d1727af11a5

Read the price from the oracle

  • Once you have enough price feeds subscribed, you may call the oracle with the value method:
$ ./scripts/score/value.sh
  • It should display the following usage:
> Usage:
 `-> ./scripts/score/value.sh [options]

> Options:
 -n <network> : Network to use (localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet)
  • Fill the -n option corresponding to the network where your SCORE is deployed to: localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet.

  • Example :

$ ./scripts/score/value.sh -n localhost

If not enough feeds fulfill the conditions declared in the Hylian SCORE, it will return the following error:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "error": {
        "code": -32032,
        "message": "NotEnoughFeedsAvailable(0)"
    "id": 1

Otherwise, it will return the following result containing the price value:

> Command:
$ tbears call <(python ./scripts/score/dynamic_call/value.py localhost)
            -c ./config/localhost/tbears_cli_config.json
> Result:
$ response : {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": "0x8ac7230489e80000",
    "id": 1