
Idiomatic Ruby library for Deribit 2.0 API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage Inline docs Gem Version Yard Docs License: MIT

Idiomatic Ruby library for Deribit API 2.0


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'deribit-api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install deribit-api



require 'deribit-api'

# for public data
client = Deribit::Client.new testnet: true, debug: true, raise_error: true

# pass KEY and SECRET to access private data
client = Deribit::Client.new key: 'KEY', secret: 'SECRET'

Get trades via HTTP APIs:

trades = client.trades instrument_name: 'BTC-PERPETUAL', count: 3
=> #<Hashie::Mash amount=770.0 direction="sell" index_price=7088.57 instrument_name="BTC-PERPETUAL" price=7088.5 tick_direction=3 timestamp=1587632258141 trade_id="73366505" trade_seq=45738005>

Streaming trades via Websocket APIs:

client.trades(instrument_name: 'BTC-PERPETUAL') do |trade|
	puts trade
=> #<Hashie::Mash amount=10.0 direction="sell" index_price=7076.01 instrument_name="BTC-PERPETUAL" price=7076.0 tick_direction=3 timestamp=1587632546493 trade_id="73366877" trade_seq=45738278>

Place a buy limit order:

result = client.buy 'BTC-PERPETUAL', 10, price: 2500
=> #<Hashie::Mash order=#<Hashie::Mash amount=10 api=true average_price=0.0 commission=0.0 creation_timestamp=1587644442494 direction="buy" filled_amount=0 instrument_name="BTC-PERPETUAL" is_liquidation=false label="" last_update_timestamp=1587644442494 max_show=10 order_id="3887469320" order_state="open" order_type="limit" post_only=false price=2500.0 profit_loss=0.0 reduce_only=false replaced=false time_in_force="good_til_cancelled" web=false> trades=#<Hashie::Array []>>

Direct access to any HTTP API endpoints: https://docs.deribit.com/#market-data

result = client.http.get '/public/ping'
=> "pong"

Direct access to any Websocket API channels: https://docs.deribit.com/#subscriptions

client.websocket.subscribe 'user.portofolio.BTC' do |data|
	puts data


Fetch all tradable instruments:

instruments = client.instruments
=> #<Hashie::Mash base_currency="BTC" contract_size=1.0 creation_timestamp=1587024008000 expiration_timestamp=1588320000000 instrument_name="BTC-1MAY20-6750-C" is_active=true kind="option" maker_commission=0.0004 min_trade_amount=0.1 option_type="call" quote_currency="USD" settlement_period="week" strike=6750.0 taker_commission=0.0004 tick_size=0.0005>

Place a buy market order:

result = client.buy 'BTC-PERPETUAL', 10, type: :market
=> #<Hashie::Mash order=#<Hashie::Mash amount=10 api=true average_price=7153.0 commission=1.05e-06 creation_timestamp=1587644532209 direction="buy" filled_amount=10 instrument_name="BTC-PERPETUAL" is_liquidation=false label="" last_update_timestamp=1587644532209 max_show=10 order_id="3887472638" order_state="filled" order_type="market" post_only=false price=7259.0 profit_loss=0.0 reduce_only=false replaced=false time_in_force="good_til_cancelled" web=false> trades=#<Hashie::Array [#<Hashie::Mash amount=10.0 direction="buy" fee=1.05e-06 fee_currency="BTC" index_price=7155.93 instrument_name="BTC-PERPETUAL" liquidity="T" matching_id=nil order_id="3887472638" order_type="market" post_only=false price=7153.0 reduce_only=false self_trade=false state="filled" tick_direction=1 timestamp=1587644532209 trade_id="45283496" trade_seq=27671015>]>>

Close a position:

result = client.close 'BTC-PERPETUAL'
=> #<Hashie::Array [#<Hashie::Mash amount=10.0 direction="sell" fee=1.05e-06 fee_currency="BTC" index_price=7153.91 instrument_name="BTC-PERPETUAL" liquidity="T" matching_id=nil order_id="3887474840" order_type="market" post_only=false price=7148.0 reduce_only=true self_trade=false state="filled" tick_direction=2 timestamp=1587644595002 trade_id="45283521" trade_seq=27671036>]>

Orderbook for BTCUSD perpetual instrument:

orderbook = client.book instrument_name: 'BTC-PERPETUAL', depth: 3
puts orderbook.asks.first

Orderbook streaming via websocket:

client.book instrument_name: 'ETH-PERPETUAL', group: 1, depth: 3 do |book|
  puts book

Place a BTCUSD limit buy order 100 contracts @ 2500:

response = client.buy 'BTC-PERPETUAL', 100, price: 2500
puts response.order.state

Account info:

account = client.account
=> #<Hashie::Mash available_funds=9.99958335 available_withdrawal_funds=9.99958335 balance=9.99958335 currency="BTC" delta_total=0.0 deposit_address="2N9KizxwYNrKgd22QfSz9zxT4EPR4uAsWYr" equity=9.99958335 futures_pl=0.0 futures_session_rpl=0.0 futures_session_upl=0.0 initial_margin=0.0 limits=#<Hashie::Mash matching_engine=2 matching_engine_burst=20 non_matching_engine=200 non_matching_engine_burst=300> maintenance_margin=0.0 margin_balance=9.99958335 options_delta=0.0 options_gamma=0.0 options_pl=0.0 options_session_rpl=0.0 options_session_upl=0.0 options_theta=0.0 options_value=0.0 options_vega=0.0 portfolio_margining_enabled=false session_funding=0.0 session_rpl=0.0 session_upl=0.0 total_pl=0.0>
=> 9.99958335


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rake to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/icostan/deribit-api-ruby. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Deribit project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.