Results of DCL (diclofenac) concentrations calculated using a Contaminant Fate Model


Results of DCL (diclofenac) concentrations calculated using a the GLOBAL-FATE Model. Results are in raster (.tif) format and cover the world. Rasters use geographic coordinate system WGS84 with resolution of 1/16 deg (δ); the extreme positions are x_0=-180 (western cell position) and y_0=-56 (southern cell position); the extension nr=2240 (number of rows) and nc=5760 (number of columns).

For any question, please contact vicenc.acuna@icra.cat or rmarce@icra.cat. Please refer our paper:
Acuña V., Bregoli F., Font C., Barceló D., Corominas L., Ginebreda A., Petrovic M., Rodríguez-Roda I., Sabater S., Marcé R. Management actions to mitigate the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in river networks in a Global change context (submitted to Environmental International)

  • Actual:
    Simulated mean annual diclofenac concentration under current conditions.

  • BAU:
    Simulated mean annual diclofenac concentration under future (2030) conditions.
    Using: estimated population; Runoff under Climate Change conditions; predicted sanitation treatments (under business as usual scenario).

  • SDG6:
    Simulated mean annual diclofenac concentration under future (2030) conditions, using sanitation improvements with the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6).

  • SDG6_BAU:
    Simulated mean annual diclofenac concentration under future (2030) conditions, taking sanitation improvements as the maximum of business as usual and SDG6 for each country.

  • Swiss:
    Simulated mean annual diclofenac concentration under future (2030) conditions, using WWTP efficiency in DCL removal from the Swiss national strategy at global scale.

  • Consum:
    Simulated mean annual diclofenac concentration under future (2030) conditions, considering a 10% reduction of per capita consumption in each country.

  • All:
    Simulated mean annual diclofenac concentration under future (2030) conditions, using all the above mentioned mitigation strategies (SDG6 sanitation, Swiss standard treatment, and consumption reduction).