
Icreated Web Portal API plugin for ERP iDempiere

Primary LanguageJava

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Icreated Portal API (IPA) for ERP Idempiere

Attention! The full documentation is provided in Icreated blog: https://icreated.co/projects/webportal-api

This REST API OSGI plugin for ERP Idempiere initially has been created to communicate with Icreated Web Portal https://github.com/icreated/portal-frontend It can be used with other type of integration, for example as an alternative to Idempiere Web Services

IPA is fully based on Spring Framework and integrates its features:

  • Spring configuration with @Configuration annotation
  • Idempiere context injected by application.properties
  • Simple architecture based on Dependency Injection
  • Spring Security integration

IPA provides following features:

  • API-first product-centric approach
  • Automatic generated DTO models with openapi-generator maven plugin
  • MapStruct converting between DTO and Idempiere Model
  • Database requests with PQuery (Idempiere Query wrapper)
  • JWT Spring Security authentication
  • Hibernate Validator for declarative OpenApi DTO validation
  • Swagger Integration with https://github.com/icreated/swagger
  • Invoices and Payments lists
  • OpenItems, i.e. payment due under contract
  • Payment Imitation by Credit Card

Installing / Getting started

To build this plugin you need to get sources in your project directory with same parent as Idempiere source folder

git clone https://github.com/icreated/portal-api.git

Import this project to Eclipse. Be sure to satisfy all required dependencies. All needed jars are added directly to lib folder. Eclipse needs a mapstruct plugin to compile converters. It can be found here https://mapstruct.org/documentation/ide-support/

Follow instructions for installation

openapi.yaml is configured in Icreated Web Portal. It's easier to work with one file and share it between backend & frontend.

The copy of openapi.yaml is automatically copied with a maven plugin to project because of use of swagger plugin when Idempiere sever is started.

Deploying / Publishing / Testing

Check if it works by accessing to Swagger Home Page: http://localhost:8080/portal/api To connect to API provide JWT Token you can get like this:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/portal/api/login' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

"Swagger UI"


If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch.

Pull requests are warmly welcome


GNU General Public License