Crypto Service

  • Js library: "JsCryptoService"

  • Java source: "src/main/java"

  • Test source: "src/test/java"

  • Jar: "build/libs"

  • Java docs: "build/docs/javadoc"

Ip address server and port set in file setting.json

By default

  • ip:

  • port: 8181

Generated seed

Generate a 32-byte random master key

Method: GET

Example request:

Example response:

JSON format


Seed in Base58 encoding

Generate key pair

Field Type Description
seed String master key in
encode Base58

Method: GET{seed}

Example request

Answer in JSON format. Keys in Base58 encoding.

Example response:



Field Type Description
message String The message you want to encrypt
publicKey String Public key of the second party in Base58 encoding
privateKey String My private key in Base58 encoding

Method post

Example request

In body

{"message": "test message for encrypt and decrypt","publicKey":"217z8Wp4ztArt9qEzLhNgb4gErvnLQaqwmyxWo2DeZCA","privateKey":"4XeFFL279quugYpvkqSPHwsK68jumG7C9CWz7QzSWJapjSB1FGiSDSawg65YZorRt2GbAP25gGv8ooduMxWpp7HD"}

Example response:

JSON format. Contains encrypted message in Base58 encoding



Field Type Description
message String The message you want to dencrypt in Base58 encoding
publicKey String Public key of the second party in Base58 encoding
privateKey String My private key in Base58 encoding

Method POST

Example request:

In body


Example response:

JSON format. Answer contatins decrypt message in UTF-8 encoding.

{"decrypted":"test message for encrypt and decrypt"}


Field Type Description
message String The message you want to sign in Base58 encoding
publicKey String My public key in Base58 encoding
privateKey String My private key in Base58 encoding

Method POST

Example request:

In body

{"message": "CjM7CfrxdZRbrtGdWx2iPnWcsCbS8MH4vA4kc3jgCsgvgDVzGtJNmkweApeE6BZgGy", "publicKey":"BHJAVuNsvcjWy6jaaF85HHYzr9Up9rA4BW3xseUBs9Un","privateKey":"4XeFFL279quugYpvkqSPHwsK68jumG7C9CWz7QzSWJapjSB1FGiSDSawg65YZorRt2GbAP25gGv8ooduMxWpp7HD"}

Example response:

JSON format. Answer contains sign in Base58 encoding.


Verify signature

Field Type Description
message String The message you want to verify in Base58 encoding
sign String Sign message
publicKey String The public key of the person who signed

Method POST

Example request:

{"message": "CjM7CfrxdZRbrtGdWx2iPnWcsCbS8MH4vA4kc3jgCsgvgDVzGtJNmkweApeE6BZgGy","publicKey":"BHJAVuNsvcjWy6jaaF85HHYzr9Up9rA4BW3xseUBs9Un","signature":"26xAhHEhZ1kh4L9svvqb1RQFPgR2emHf592AchQywLrHPVfX8aLpwRUrS4gEg3XR2zUhYHE7d5FWbUrSo3Nni9K1"}

Example response:

JSON format. In case if the signature verification was successful the system will return the value signatureVerify: "true"
