- 0
RectangleSelection up to 150-200 lines slow
#434 opened by alex8900vbs - 0
- 0
How can I disable ligatures in TextEditor?
#432 opened by QYF-RYCBStudio - 1
- 1
Editor Not Rendering
#426 opened by prestsauce - 0
- 2
can i add this to winforms
#413 opened by HunterZREBORN - 0
- 0
Custom Kerning/Letter Spacing
#421 opened by NeomMob - 1
Objects not being destroyed
#420 opened by BernardinoGoncalvesLynx - 2
Json.xshd fix
#410 opened by JNaumann86 - 1
- 6
New Text Buffer Proposal
#381 opened by hummy123 - 0
failed to parse html
#412 opened by yuran1978 - 5
duration of TextChange in a rectangular selection
#409 opened by alex8900vbs - 1
Ability to add spell checking
#404 opened by MarioFares - 3
Focus of Text Edit causes Scroll Viewer to Jump When Used Inside Container Panel
#396 opened by chaojian-zhang - 3
- 2
- 0
The code completion effiencency can be improved
#407 opened by xiaoxstz - 0
- 2
- 0
Autocompletion with indentation not working
#403 opened by Dangujba - 0
- 1
- 2
No Distinction Between Height and MaxHeight
#394 opened by chaojian-zhang - 0
Editing in Multiline: tab added in the beginning instead of after the caret column position
#397 opened by raymrdc - 1
typing chars to replace a multi-position selection in (empty) virtual space causes caret jump and split text
#393 opened by glenn-slayden - 4
Rule Regex doesn't work as expected
#392 opened by MathiasLui - 1
如何根据行号或选定的文本内容设置背景色?(How to set background color based on line number or selected text content?)
#391 opened by liuzhaolei107 - 3
MemoryLeak in net 462
#386 opened by SuperStudio - 0
Native Support
#385 opened by TheHellTower - 3
Open files larger than available RAM?
#382 opened by sopgenorth - 4
Problem with target framework moniker
#379 opened by AlexeiScherbakov - 0
How to create a map scroll bar like VsCode?
#372 opened by q812143836 - 4
- 0
Override color preview
#377 opened by NotroDev - 0
AvalonEdit issues with file has a very long line.
#376 opened by fatbear17 - 9
Regex doesn't work in syntax highlighting
#364 opened by NotroDev - 1
Preformance hit when lines on screen are long
#375 opened by MarcellVokk - 2
Is there `this` in AvalonEdit?
#369 opened by NotroDev - 2
Can support fixed strings to the editor ?
#355 opened by xiaohuahegege - 1
Changing the Text Property of the TextEditor programmatically breaks the undo stack
#366 opened by EdwinCloud101 - 2
Line always wraps at 9600
#368 opened by jimfoye - 0
Problem with tooltip
#367 opened by NotroDev - 5
Problem with syntax highlighting
#363 opened by NotroDev - 2
- 2
- 1
Exclude character in "End" from highlighting
#356 opened by NotroDev - 4
#354 opened by NotroDev