
A collection of Natural Language Processing Toolkit scripts for simplifying development.

Primary LanguagePython

A collection of Natural Language Processing Toolkit scripts for simplifying development.


$ git clone REPOSITORY_URL
$ cd nlptk_scripts
$ python setup.py develop

# install extra dependencies to activate bpe/debpe/tok functions
$ cd vendor
$ git clone https://github.com/rsennrich/subword-nmt

# set MOSES_DECODER_HOME to point to path cloned from https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder 
# to activate bleu function for simplify, for example:
$ git clone https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder
# and add the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile
$ export MOSES_DECODER_HOME=/path/to/mosesdecoder

Scripts and Descriptions

Note: you can use the following functions after setup by running 'nlptk-xxx' anywhere

  • a2b.py Convert file's contents from Full Angle to Half Angle
  • bleu.py Using Moses to compute BLEU score
  • bpe.py Quickly apply BPE
  • deblk.py Remove Blank
  • debpe.py Remove BPE
  • detok.py De-Tokenize a tokenized file using Standford Tokenizer
  • fdup.py Filter duplicated sequence
  • filter.py Filter sequences according to length constraint
  • mapping.py Find the mapping between two shuffled files
  • flen.py Obtain length statistics of sequence (tokens or characters) with max length
  • shuffle.py Quick shuffle file (randomize lines order)
  • stat.py Count sequence (tokens) number from corpus
  • tok.py Tokenize file using Standford Tokenizer